Dungeons & Dragons 5e Race: High Elf Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild Print sheet JSON High ElfAbility Score Increase +1 Int, +2 DexSize MediumSpeed 30 ftAs a high elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. In many of the worlds of ...
Indeed, high elf being proficient with weapons, she could use a bow that does 1d8+2, adding also the modifier to the attack roll, or a sword instead of shocking grasp for example... When cantrips don't get any modifiers. Not really sure what to tell her. Thanks in advance! ...
The initial appearance of the negatively stained particles on the grid (Fig. 4a) indicated that there was a predominance of side-on views of the complex. Only ~ 7% of the ≈ 13,000 particle data set were top views. Side-on views provide a higher degree of structural information ...
Tumor cells from the breast of a patient with treatment-naive TNBC, with synchronous metastasis detected at the time of diagnosis, were isolated by fine needle aspiration (FNA) and were engrafted into the pre-humanized mammary fat pads (MFPs) of NOD/SCID mice to generate the PDX model Patien...
FFrraaccttuurree appearance of remains on the bottom steel plate. 10 of 17 Figure 10. Fracture appearance of remains on the bottom steel plate. Similarly to the test with a 3.4% voids content, the test with a 4.0% voids content had a comprSeismsiivlaerfloyrcteo inthcereatessettow1it0...
However, the cmhaiclrloe‐ nangdemoacfroDstrIuWcturiesotfhthee gdraepshiegnne aoerfogtehl.eThgiserle-sbulatesdeidn avniasecroogeelawsithichiignhkel.ectIrdicaelally, these inks have non-Newtcoonndiuacntivsithy eoaf arptphroixnimniantegly b15e.4hSa/mvi, oasrw[1el2l a9s]htioghecnomhparnes...
The VB1 membranes were photographed before and after the tests as well as their dimensions measured to check any dimension and appearance changes (swelling/shrinkage) during the MEA preparation and bonding. In order to test the various electrode materials for negative and positive half cells, the ...
【招募岗位】:西餐厅服务员1名【岗位内容】:主要工作上菜,收盘子、桌边服务,吧台制作饮料【上班时间】:10点-21点之间,每天6到8小时,做5休2 【薪资】:月结,工资26元/小时,,工资次月15号发放到银行卡或支付宝仪容仪表要求【发型】女士长发:大光明、高发髻、整洁干净无碎发;女士短发:五官露出、前不遮眉、后不...
In this respect, we can use the answers referring to entrepreneurial experiences (Block 1, question 4d and 5e). Table 1 shows that there is no significant connection between the entrepreneurs' earlier experience and the size of their networks. By summing the scores of the three motivation types...
Reports on the expansion of the high technology firm IMTEC Imaging at the Admore Technology Transfer Center in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Aim of the state to recruit and retain technology-oriented companies; Total work force; Benefits of the expansion for the state.EBSCO_bspExpansion Management...