Create a "user.cfg" file inside the main folder of Need for Speed Heat were you've installed the game, add these commands above edit it to match your actual CPU Cores and Thread, save it and start the game. This should help to balance the high cpu usage for some people. I...
High CPU usage in games when you have a weaker or older processor is pretty much understandable, especially when playing a CPU-intensive game, but if you have a modern-day powerful processor with many cores (more than four), and then also getting 100% or high CPU usage then the problem ...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:need-for-speed-franchise-discussion-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:9419825"},"subject":"Re: Need for speed heat crashing and high cpu usage","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:...
hello,我在六月底装了台新电脑并使用了a770显卡,在玩nfsheat之前没用这个显卡玩过其他游戏,在进入游戏失败后我开始排查原因,最后我还是重装了系统,目前这个信息框仍会跳出,但是可以进入游戏,进入游戏后显卡的功耗会剧增,不太影响使用,但大功耗带来的热量使我厌烦 Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply ACarmona_Intel...
Traditionally, supercomputers have been pipelined, superscalar processors with a single CPU. These are the “big iron” of the past, often requiring “forklift upgrades” and multiton air conditioners to prevent them from melting from the heat they generate. In recent years we have come to augmen...
A New Era of NAS Running Virtual PC with High Performance Dual Core Turbo NAS Celeron® dual-core 2.41GHz CPU, burst up to 2.58GHz Use your NAS as a PC TS-x51 Series TS-251 TS-451 TS-651 TS-851 UX-500P • Dual-core Intel® 2.41GHz CPU and 4GB/1GB DDR3L RAM, delivering ...
Node 2:/export/msg2 /export/msg2 nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,noac,vers=3,timeo=600 (In case of symmetric HA) Create an HA logical host name resource and bring it on-line. /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin $ ./appvipcfg create -network=1 -ip=<logical IP> -vipname...
Load balancing is delivered through the usage of the SUNW.SharedAddress resource type (provided by the Oracle Solaris Cluster built-in load balancer). Thus, all rabbitmq clients only need to be configured for one IP address (os-mq-sa); HA is transparent for them. The rabbitmq instances ...
14 CPU module bay 2 If no CPU module is present in bay 2, there must be a blank filler module in bay 2 for the system to boot. Notes: 1. For more details on the KVM connector, see KVM CABLE on page 72. Cisco UCS C480 M5 High-Performance Rack-Mount...
Traditionally, supercomputers have been pipelined, superscalar processors with a single CPU. These are the "big iron" of the past, often requiring "forklift upgrades" and multiton air conditioners to prevent them from melting from the heat they generate. In recent years we have come to augment ...