NFS Heat CPU Load FIX Need for Speed Heat, CPU 90-100% load fix (script, windows) Instruction copynfs_hits_cpu90_fix.cmd(download page (link)) inNeed for Speed Heatmain folder runnfs_hits_cpu90_fix.cmd(script create user.cfg for your CPU) ...
A46:因为游戏的懒狗优化,导致了本游戏会直接简单粗暴地利用你所有能用的CPU核心。你只要找到你的游戏根目录,将补丁的压缩包里一个名为nfs_hits_cpu90_fix.cmd的文件复制到游戏根目录里面,执行这个文件就行了。(执行完毕后请接着看Q47) CPU优化补丁: Q4...
0. 背景不管是单体应用仍是分布式应用,老是会有些许迭代或者紧急Fix bug上线的神操做。可是若是不是那么幸运,当时还存在大量核心内存中数据在进行计算等逻辑,此时终止项目,就会出现核心数据或者状态丢失的不利状况,后续即便上线完成也要尽快追加数据。并发那是否存在某种技巧???:在须要终止应用的时候,可以到终止操做...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"EA fix NFS Heat Daily challenges bug","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:11911384"},"id":"message:11911384","revisionNum":1,"uid":11911384,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:need-for-speed-franchise-discussion-en"},"...
在WIN7系统,使用虚拟光驱安装极品飞车2,然后将nfsfix和memfix拷贝到极品飞车2安装目录,到任务管理器中找到explorer.exe进程,结束进程,桌面和所有图标就全部消失了,使用任 分享2644 nfshp2吧 Brake_Drift 【吧务】NFSHP2吧相关导航1L是空的 分享6赞 极品飞车吧 CMRDNOOB 【补档】NFSUG2+NFSPS资源整合贴原来发的...
This issue wasn't occurring before I began using DXVK, it isn't a regular crash, the game will just freeze completely, and I have to kill it using task manager. For some added context, the game's GPU usage will go to 0% although it will still be using the CPU. Also, som...
After fooling around with the settings i've managed to fix it! What i've done was, right clicking on the ".exe" file, and ticked the option "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" a -> I've also Reestablished GPU default settings minus "FPS Objective" setting it to 60 FPS ...
We see that you are experiencing crashing issues when playing the Need for Speed™ Heat game using DXVK. We will be more than pleased to help you; however, we need to check some information to better assist you: Why are you using DXVK to run this game? Is it becau...
We see that you are experiencing crashing issues when playing the Need for Speed™ Heat game using DXVK. We will be more than pleased to help you; however, we need to check some information to better assist you: Why are you using DXVK to run this game? Is it because you encou...
A46:因为游戏的懒狗优化,导致了本游戏会直接简单粗暴地利用你所有能用的CPU核心。你只要找到你的游戏根目录,将补丁的压缩包里一个名为nfs_hits_cpu90_fix.cmd的文件复制到游戏根目录里面,执行这个文件就行了。(执行完毕后请接着看Q47) CPU优化补丁: ...