A high ankle sprain, also known as a syndesmotic ankle sprain, happens when the ligaments connecting the tibia (shinbone) and fibula (outside leg bones) are stretched or torn. Because the ankle offers the stability you need to walk or run, injury to this ligament may lead to instability ...
这一连接,被称为踝关节联合韧带,由踝关节前方和后方的韧带组成,位于胫骨和腓骨之间的间隙。 警告:请在有WIFI的场所观看视频,土豪请随意。 High Ankle Sprain (Syndesmosis Ligament Injury) 高位踝关节扭伤(胫腓联合韧带损伤) Overview(概...
sprain (sprān) n. 1. A painful wrenching or laceration of the ligaments of a joint. 2. The condition resulting from a sprain. tr.v. sprained, sprain·ing, sprains To cause a sprain to (a joint or ligament). [Origin unknown.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,...
The high ankle sprain is the tearing of the ligamentous tissue holding the fibula to the tibia (the two long bones in the lower leg). With a strong rotational force— which can happen when a tall muscular athlete falls onto another tall muscular athlete and rotates the ankle during the fal...
High ankle sprain: sonographic demonstration of a posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament avulsionAnkleInjurySyndesmosisAvulsionFractureUltrasoundSyndesmotic injuries, also referred as high ankle sprains, may cause significant ankle instability and chronic pain. Ultrasound (US) is a well-proven imaging ...
The torn ligament will become loose and elongate. If not treated in time, it will easily be injured again, or it will lead to habitual ankle sprain or gradually develop into traumatic arthritis. When the foot is sprained, it is easy to merge with the pull of the buttocks muscles, thus ...
The main variables of interest were the number of participants referred to, and subsequently treated by, the physiotherapy team, together with specific details of the injuries including: Injury types: joint injury (e.g., ankle ligament sprain); soft tissue injury (e.g., calf muscle strain); ...