Higgs boson 美 英 n.希格斯玻色子 英英 网络释义 n. 1. ahypotheticalsubatomicparticlewithzerospinpredictedinsomegaugetheoriesandthoughttobethesourceofthemassofallotherparticles 释义: 全部,希格斯玻色子 1. Sofar,theproton-proton collisionshavebeendesignedtogenerateenergies that mightproduceexoticphenomenaliketheHi...
The article focuses on the importance of the discovery of the Higss Boson which is a subatomic particle that brings mass to everything else in the universe. It states that Higss Boson p...
“希格斯玻色子”理论由英国爱丁堡大学物理 学家希格斯于1964年提出,玻色子是一 种“次原子粒子”(subatomic particle),即 比原子还小的粒子。希格斯认为,在137亿 年前的大爆炸中,希格斯玻色子使物质得到 质量(质量的定义是物质所拥有的量的多少, 是物理学的最基本概念),使恒星和行星都得 以具有形体,最终孕育...
Higgs predicted the existence of a new particle, which came to be known as the Higgs boson, in 1964. He theorized there must be a subatomic particle of certain dimension that would explain how other particles — and therefore all the stars and planets in the universe — acquired mass. Witho...
Scientists at Europe's CERN laboratoryconfirmed Thursdaythat they've found a Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that physicists say can help explain the universe. In July 2012, researchers at the center's Large Hadron Collider announced they had found a particle that behaved similar to the predicte...
BOSTONA subatomic particle discovered last year that may be the long-sought Higgs boson might doom our universe to an unfortunate end, researchers say. The mass of the particle, which was uncovered at the world's largest particle accelerator — the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva — is...
Why was it important to find the Higgs boson? How much energy is in a black hole? What powers the Large Hadron Collider? Why are particle accelerators so big? Which subatomic particle has the largest mass? Has the Large Hadron Collider found extra dimensions?
Peter Higgs didn’t ask anyone to call the subatomic particle that gives all other particles mass the Higgs Boson. This particle has a big deal recently—mostly because scientists arepretty surethey found it. Many thought that the discoverers would get the Nobel Prize last year, just ...
Higgs boson (hĭgz) n. A hypothetical, massive subatomic particle predicted by the standard model theory to explain discrepancies in elementary particle mass. [From the fact that it is the fundamental particle of theHiggs field.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi...
By revealing this particle, predicted by the standard model the discovery of the Higgs boson completed this picture of the subatomic world. There are still mysteries beyond this theory such as the nature of dark matter which the Higgs boson — through its unique properties — coul...