By revealing this particle, predicted by the standard model the discovery of the Higgs boson completed this picture of the subatomic world. There are still mysteries beyond this theory such as the nature of dark matter which the Higgs boson — through its unique properties — coul...
(LHC), the world's largest atom smasher in Geneva, Switzerland,announced they had discovered a Higgs-like particleat long last. If the new particle turns out to be the Higgs, it will confirm nearly five decades of particle physics theory, which incorporated the Higgs boson into the family ...
Progress in Particle & Nuclear PhysicsM. Carena, H. E. Haber, Higgs Boson Theory and Phenomenology, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 50:63 (2003).M.S. Carena and H.E. Haber, Higgs boson theory and phenomenology , Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 50 (2003) 63 [ hep-ph/0208209 ] [ SPIRES ]. ...
The Higgs field theory is not an unfamiliar concept in the field of physics and accordingly the existence of the Higgs boson has been long predicted. Physicists have long been perplexed by the mysterious, basic physical feature of matter: mass. Mass, a fundamental quantity, can be described as...
in fact, be beyond the capabilities of biological beings with limited neurological capacity. Nevertheless, I believe that the more modern science understands about the Higgs boson, quantum theory, particle physics and cosmology,the closer science will be to initiating a scientific study of c...
This document aims to provide an assessment of the potential of future colliding beam facilities to perform Higgs boson studies. The analysis builds on the
11, 2013. The University of Edinburgh says Nobel prize-winning physicist Peter Higgs, who proposed the existence of the Higgs boson particle, has died at 94. Higgs predicted the existence of a new particle — the so-called Higgs boson — in 1964. But it would be almost 50 years before ...
Becauseseveral people came up with the mechanismat almost the same time, knowing what to call the particle hasbeen a minefield. What are you calling it these days? I can’t see how it can continue to be called the Higgs boson, I reckon it will become just the H boson. Hopefully in ...
In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times lar
An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics: The Higgs boson 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 43 作者:E Leader,E Predazzi 摘要: This series will provide a broad range of high quality books, suitable for experimentalists and theorists, covering all aspects of particle ...