Doing this would be no simple task, in fact, it would require the largest experiment and most sophisticated machine in human history. In this way, the search for the Higgs boson itself has pushed both particle accelerator and detector technology to its limits — with the ultimate ...
We find it convenient to represent the unHiggs in terms of a Kallen-Lehmann spectral function, from which it is simple to verify the generation of gauge boson and fermion masses, and unitarization of WW scattering. We show that a spectral function with broad support, which corresponds to ...
Single-top-quark production in the tW ± channel and Higgs boson signals via H → W + W - at the CERN Large Hadron Collider In a recent study by Dittmar and Dreiner it was shown that with appropriate selection cuts the signature of events containing two charged leptons and missi... S ...
The Standard Model (SM) currently stands as the most successful theory in describing high-energy particle physics. Therefore, it might be considered the ultimate fundamental theory of nature describing all physical phenomena at arbitrary energy scales. For this purpose, the dependence of the SM param...
We calculate the Higgs-boson mass spectrum and the corresponding mixing of the Higgs states in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We assume
One can think of an unHiggs as a composite Higgs boson with a continuous mass distribution. We find it convenient to represent the unHiggs in terms of a Kallen-Lehmann spectral function, from which it is simple to verify the generation of gauge boson and fermion masses, and unitarization ...
The Higgs boson, a fundamental scalar boson with mass 125 GeV, was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in 2012. So far, experiments at the LHC have focused on testing the Higgs boson’s couplings to other elementary particles, precision measurements of the Higgs boson’...
The newly discovered boson was only observed in diboson final states. The measurement of the fermionic decay modes of this new particle is essential to establish its compatibility with the Standard Model Higgs boson. The two main final states accessible at the LHC are the decay into pairs of ...
In the extensive search for new physics, the precise measurement of the Higgs boson continues to play an important role. To this end, machine learning techniques have been recently applied to processes like the Higgs production via vector-boson fusion. In this paper, we propose to use algorithms...
A search for a light charged Higgs boson produced in decays of the top quark,t→H±b\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\...