Know why the Higgs boson is included in the standard model alongside particles like electrons, photons, and quarksAn explanation of why the Higgs boson is included in the Standard Model.(more) See all videos for this article 2 of 2
We suggest an explanation for and explore the consequences of the excess around 95 GeV in the di-photon and di-tau invariant mass distributions recently reported by the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with the discrepancy that has long been observed at the Large ...
A light CP-even Higgs boson with a mass of around 10 GeV could explain the recent BNL measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment. This observation is based on a general CP-conserving two Higgs doublet extension of the Standard Model with no tree-level flavor changing neutral current ...
[1] and ref. therein ).Their introduction provides a natural explanation of the smallness of the left neutrinos masses. Double charged Higgs bosons and Majorana neutrinos lead to some new phenomena such as neutrinoless β -decays, µ →3e decay, muonium- antimuonium conversion and other ...
So far, all the mea- surements of the discovered new particle [3–10] are well com- patible with the scalar boson predicted by the Standard Model (SM) [11–15]. It is well known that the SM cannot be the final theory of nature. Theoretically, successful explanation of some prob- ...
boson a pseudo-Goldstone boson. This symmetry typically contains sponta- neously broken U(1) subgroups which provide light electroweak-singlet pseu- doscalars. Unless such particles are absorbed as the longitudinal component of Z ′ states, they appear as pseudoscalars in the physical spectrum at...
Below the scale of the electroweak symmetry breaking, the interaction of scalars with the SM particles may be generically described by the two independent interactions: the mixing with the Higgs boson h (parameterised by the mixing angle ), and the trilinear coupling which gives rise to an ...
We propose an extension of the scalaron-Higgs model by a non-minimal coupling of the Standard Model Higgs boson to the quadratic Ricci scalar resulting in a Higgs-dependent scalaron mass. The model predicts a successful stage of effective single-field Starobinsky inflation. It features a multi...
A Light Higgs Boson Explanation for the g-2 CrisisAthanasios sakis DedesHoward Haber