A Light Higgs Boson Explanation for the g-2 CrisisAthanasios sakis DedesHoward Haber
We suggest an explanation for and explore the consequences of the excess around 95 GeV in the di-photon and di-tau invariant mass distributions recently reported by the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with the discrepancy that has long been observed at the Large ...
too. The Standard Model is seriously lacking, in other words, and one of the reasons there is so much excitement about Higgs boson is because it would help fill in the gaps of the Standard Model explanation.
Or could the point have been made more clearly with more general points about different particles interacting with the boson/snow field? I only use this as an example because it highlights the idea of intellectual leaps. When you’re explaining an idea, think about the small, consumable steps...
I focused attention on the decays of the Z boson, but there were many more processes mentioned in the bonus section of that post. But the predictions aren’t perfect. They’re not enough to convince a scientist that the Standard Model might be the whole story. So today let’s bring ...
Video extra: A universal effort The discovery of the Higgs boson won't change people's lives, but will help explain the underpinnings of the universe. It would confirm the standard model of physics that explains why fundamental particles have mass. Those particles are the building blocks of ...
We suggest an explanation for and explore the consequences of the excess around 95 GeV in the di-photon and di-tau invariant mass distributions recently reported by the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with the discrepancy that has long been observed at the Large ...
We suggest an explanation for and explore the consequences of the excess around 95 GeV in the di-photon and di-tau invariant mass distributions recently reported by the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with the discrepancy that has long been observed at the Large ...
NMSSM explanation for excesses in the search for neutralinos and charginos and a 95 GeV Higgs bosondoi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13129-2The observed excesses in the search for neutralinos and charginos by ATLAS and CMS can be fitted simultaneously in the minimal...
NMSSM explanation for excesses in the search for neutralinos and charginos and a 95 GeV Higgs bosondoi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13129-2The observed excesses in the search for neutralinos and charginos by ATLAS and CMS can be fitted simultaneously in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM)...