and schizophrenia6,7. The cortex, the outer layer of the brain, also called gray matter, is made up of cell bodies and capillaries. The white matter, or subcortex, is a complex system of axonal fibers that act as the connections between different areas of the brain. These fibers can be...
For instance, in V1 several simple cells send their axons to one complex cell whose preferred stimulus is constructed by the preferred stimuli of its input simple cells (Hubel & Wiesel, 1968). Moreover, starting from the retina and going up to higher cortical areas, the complexity of the ...
An additional level of complexity is achieved when the raw sensorial information is minimally processed to extract meaningful information for behavior triggering. This is done in elementary control and protection systems. In the case of biological systems, a well-known study in this field is the wor...
During social interactions, we continuously integrate current and previous information over varying timescales to infer other people's action intentions. Motor cognition theories argue for a hierarchical organization of goal-directed actions based on tem
Paul Vixie, “DNS Complexity”, ACM Queue, pp. 24-29, Apr. 2007. Ke Wang et al., “Anagram: A Content Anomaly Detector Resistant to Mimicry Attack”, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID) (2006) (20 pages). Ke Wang et al.,...
Keywords: hierarchy; complexity; organization; social system; formal authority; social mechanism; self-organization; responsibility; status; typology Citation: Romme, A.G.L. Ladders of Authority, Status, Responsibility and Ideology: Toward a Typology of Hierarchy in Social Systems. Systems 2021, 9,...
We show that the snowdrift game exhibits a pattern of behavior whose complexity grows as the cognitive levels of players increases. In addition to finding the solutions up to the third cognitive level, we demonstrate, in this theoretical frame, two new properties of snowdrift games: (i) any ...
We show that the snowdrift game exhibits a pattern of behavior whose complexity grows as the cognitive levels of players increases. In addition to finding the solutions up to the third cognitive level, we demonstrate, in this theoretical frame, two new properties of snowdrift games: (i) any ...