I added the library as a hidden import in the *.spec-file and got the following error:NameError: name 'PyQt5' is not defined I checked my_virtual_environment/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PyQt5/*, but couldn't find the file PyQt5.sip, which I was hoping to link in a hook.I'm not...
5339 WARNING: Hidden import "sip" not found! ... ``` So this doesn't contain the error but also doesn't process the hook. The spec-file can be found here: https://github.com/cryptoadvance/specter-desktop/blob/master/pyinstaller/specter_desktop.spec This broken binary can be downloaded ...
Under the premise of m being equal to 40, we have done the test and found that for our dataset, the weights usually reach the maximum values when k lies in the range of 55–65 and then decrease with the increase of k. Figure 9 shows an example of the estimated weight change of AP4...