-- Could NOT find Sip (missing: SIP_INCLUDE_DIR) This seems to suggest your sip development headers are missing or located in an unexpected location. For the findsip_cleanup branch you can set them manually through CMake if they are in an unexpected location. nickthetait commentedon Jul 12...
如果未找到文件,可能需要重新安装Qt或SIP工具,确保安装过程中包含了必要的开发文件和SIP接口文件。 验证问题是否已解决: 重新编译你的项目,检查是否还会出现 'qtcore/qtcoremod.sip' could not be found 的错误。 如果问题仍然存在,检查你的项目配置文件(如CMakeLists.txt、setup.py等),确保它们正确引用了Qt和SI...
系统:MacBook Pro Catalina 10.15.2 python: 3.7.3 集成环境:Pycharm import matplotlib as plt的时候 出现 This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt Platforms的报错 尝试解决方法: 在stackoverflow上看了高分答案说 pipinstall opencv-python-headless pipinstall opencv-python...
在下方系统变量中新建 在下方系统变量中找到Path,双击打开,新建两个 %JAVA_HOME%\bin %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin 1. 2. 注意一定要放到第一条,省得以后带来不必要的麻烦 否则可能会出现'Error: could not open Error: could not open `D:\APP\Develop\JAVA\jre\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg' 查看一下版本 Windows+R输...
C:\Program Files\IDA Pro 7.5 SP3\plugins\capa_explorer.py: DLL load failed while importing sip: The specified module could not be found. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\IDA Pro 7.5 SP3\python\3\ida_idaapi.py", l...
当尝试安装PyQt5-sip或其他依赖PEP 517构建机制的Python包时,遇到“Could not build wheels”的错误,这通常是由于编译环境不完整或者缺少必要的构建工具链导致的。 首先确保正在使用的pip版本是最新的,因为较老版本的pip可能不完全支持PEP 517。更新pip和setuptools: ...
然后,升级 pyinstaller 和 pyqt5 到最新版本,再次打包,结果英文路径也不行了,爆出 Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe 之后自动退出。 解决方法 很简单,只需要两步: 找到应用程序打包输出的文件夹,复制输出文件夹下的 PyQt5/Qt/b... 查看原文
Could NOT find ZLIB 场景 CMake版本:cmake version 3.24.1 编译librdkafka-master指定编译选项WITH ZLIB 提示出错: Could NOT find ZLIB (missing: ZLIB_LIBRARY ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR) 解决方案 添加头文件路径 ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR 添加库文件 ZLIB_LIBRARY ...
Fix "A required firmware update could not be installed" on macOS Monterey/Ventura: Download a macOS Monterey full installer from the App Store. Boot into macOS Recovery. Launch Terminal from Utilities at the menu bar. Execute the command below to disable SIP.csrutil disable Restart your Mac. ...
Could not find the following items in the 'ironic.drivers' entrypoint: pxe_ipmitool.正常机器ironic 控制节点停掉ironic conductor过一段时间后on_missing_entrypoints_callback=missing_callback)) 165198 2020-06-03 19:08:57.959 29088 ERROR oslo_service.service File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ ...