So naturally, doing all that just to have the Apple Photos app and Apple TV screen saver de-rez and de-HDR the files is not acceptable. As a longtime tech industry engineer, I'm very careful to manage my use of iCloud to "preserve originals" since there's a lot of invisible transc...
Hi-Rez Disc Player/Transport Reviews Luxman DU-50 universal player John Marks|Mar 07, 2011| When US audiophiles think of the oldest firms still making high-performance audio equipment, they usually think of McIntosh Labs, founded in 1948. The UK's Quad traces its corporate origins back to 19...
Or that the rez is not set to some seriously low number? The resolution is 300dpi at 3.9" x 3.9". I am using the image at 14.5% the size, so the effective resolution is ~2000dpi. Also, please note that the image is crystal clear in InDesign. Also...
Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkung Band I The Spiritual Background of the Outer World. The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. Spiritual Beings and Their Effects, Volume 1. 外在世界的精神背景.黑暗之靈的墮落.精神存有與祂們的影響第一集 人智學會內部演說 GA178 Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr ...
Or that the rez is not set to some seriously low number? The resolution is 300dpi at 3.9" x 3.9". I am using the image at 14.5% the size, so the effective resolution is ~2000dpi. Also, please note that the image is crystal clear in In...
The Spiritual Background of the Social Question, Volume 3. 从精神科学认知社会理解.社会问题的精神背景第三集 人智学会内部演说 GA192 Geisteswissenschaftliche Behandlung sozialer und pädagogischer Fragen Spiritual-Scientific Treatment of Social and Pedagogical Questions 以精神科学处理社会及教育问题 人智学...