作词: Gianmaria "Deep Chills" Sanna/Vilde Kjos Lie作曲 : Gianmaria "Deep Chills" Sanna/Vilde Kjos Lie音响:天朗皇家西敏寺功放:麦景图 录音MIC:纽曼149 录音设备:SSL+ Protools, 视频播放量 95610、弹幕量 127、点赞数 4608、投硬币枚数 526
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Reminder:Unsplash.comis a timeline-oriented image project, driven by the Tumblr engine. Unsplash.com solely hosts pictures whose creators have waived all rights the laws allow to be waived. All images at Unsplash.com carry the licenseCC Zero. Actual hosting of the images ta...
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