Hi-Fi RUSH正式版这款当下备受好评的全新音乐节奏游戏,将给玩家小伙伴们带来一场跟随音乐节奏挑战格斗游戏世界体验,叫上你的朋友们一起来加入哦! Hi-Fi RUSH正式版特色 1、一款超级好玩的格斗游戏,加入新奇的玩法,一起享受不同的战斗与冒险,完成多种竞技与对决; 2、提供不同的战斗与冒险时刻,在这个世界中战斗与...
What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his way to freedom by getting into the groove. ...
For Steam version: C:\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\TangoGameworks\Hi-Fi RUSH (STEAM)\Saved\SaveGames We are still in the process of finding the location of the save game files for the Epic Games Store version of Hi-Fi Rush. Hi-Fi RUSH Save Game Download User UcroBoi has uploaded the...
Tango Gameworks 推出全新作品《Hi-Fi RUSH》,一款与音乐同步的全新动作游戏! 游戏类型 冒险动作平台游戏节奏 特色 云存储单人成就 感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶的机械义肢企业帝国!当初带给各位《邪灵入侵®》和《幽灵线®:东京》(真的没开玩笑)的 Tango...
《Hi-Fi RUSH》是由Tango Gameworks制作,Bethesda Softworks发行的一款卡通风格的动作节奏游戏,在游戏中玩家将扮演想要成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,你将和你凑起来的队伍一起对抗邪恶的大企业,为了自己的自由而战。 游戏背景 感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶的机械义肢企...
Hi-Fi RUSH游戏评测 《Hi-Fi Rush》是由Tango Gameworks制作的全新节奏动作游戏,游戏使用美漫的画风加上日漫的效果表现,加强了游戏的节奏感和打击感。游戏的主角阿茶,性格上还有点无厘头的小贱贱。在游戏严肃的赛博朋克故事中,主角的性格反而给人一种轻松的心态,游戏也变得诙谐娱乐了一些。游戏中玩家会遇到各种各样...
Hi-Fi RUSH: Traditional Garb Costume Pack Fit out the Hi-Fi RUSH gang with looks inspired by the past with the Traditional Garb Costume Pack! Rockstars don't always wear ripped jeans, you know. CN¥20.50 Add To Cart Add to Wishlist ...
Hi-Fi RUSH —эторитм-боевикотстудии Tango Gameworks, подарившейнам The Evil Within и Ghostwire: Tokyo (безшуток), вкоторомвсемзаправляетмузыка! Hi-Fi RUSH пользуетсяпризнанием...
Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition Includes: Hi-Fi RUSH (Base game) Two Chai outfits Seven bonus Chai t-shirts 808-Themed Guitar Skin 808 Alternate Skin Gears Starter Pack with 20,000 Gears for unlocking combat skills and other upgrades. (Note: Gears are obtained through combat and exploration in-ga...
Hi-Fi RUSHmod怎么下载 第一步:下载并放置好你的MOD 0.完美音浪n网地址:https://www.nexus删mods.c除om/h汉ifir字ush 1.选个MOD下载下来,这里咱以尼禄外衣为例。点击小菜单的“files”,点击“MANUAl DOWNLOAD”(手动下载),选“SLOW DOWNLOAD”就好,之后会下载得到一个压缩包。 2.接着,前往完美音浪的...