《Hi-Fi RUSH》是由Tango Gameworks制作,Bethesda Softworks发行的一款卡通风格的动作节奏游戏,在游戏中玩家将扮演想要成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,你将和你凑起来的队伍一起对抗邪恶的大企业,为了自己的自由而战。
PC Games Hi-Fi RUSH Deluxe Edition PC 跳到结尾的图片库 跳转到图像库的开头 Steam 游戏平台(1) 版本(3) - 特殊价格¥ 215.79RRP¥ 323.79 -33% Notify me 这种产品上市时通知我 You will be notified when the item is back in stock. 可以激活于 中国 ...
In Hi-Fi RUSH feel the beat as wannabe rockstar Chai and his ragtag team of allies rebel against an evil tech megacorp with raucous rhythm combat!
Pros of the game: Unusual comic style All missions and even battles are rhythm-driven Use the help of loyal friends Download Hi-Fi RUSH PC Install Game System requirements: PC compatible Operating systems:Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP ...
感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶科技大企业,TangoGameworks推出全新作品HiFiRUSH,一款与音乐同步的全新动作游戏。 Hi-Fi RUSH游戏背景 感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶的机械义肢企业帝国!当初带给各位《邪灵入侵...
Xbox Series X|S ● PC JOIN GAME PASS GET IT NOW FEEL THE BEAT Feel the beat as wannabe rock star Chai and his ragtag team fight against an evil megacorp with raucous rhythm combat! From Tango Gameworks comes Hi-Fi RUSH, an all-new action game where the world syncs to the ...
CostumeHi-Fi RUSH: Traditional Garb Costume Pack $4.99 What is Hi-Fi Rush? A high-energy action adventure where the characters, world and combat are synchronized to the music. Considered a defect by an evil tech megacorp due to his heart being fused to a music player, Chai fights his wa...
Hi-Fi Rush is a real-time third-person hack and slash music/rhythm game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game follows amateur rockstar Chai, a young man who had a portable music player mistakenly fused with his heart following a corporate experiment, as ...
刚刚通关这款游戏,刚开始看到动作游戏+音游就已经很心动了,玩过以后可以说是超出预期。 ️🔥质量非常高,高饱和三渲二美漫画风,战斗场面仿佛普罗米亚,爽快的打击感配合燃爆的摇滚乐节奏,战斗手感非常爽! 剧情是非常经典的热血漫流程,在通往boss的路上结识一个又一个伙伴,最后和伙伴们一起战胜反派。但设计...
Tango Gameworks 推出全新作品《Hi-Fi RUSH》,一款与音乐同步的全新动作游戏! 游戏类型 冒险动作平台游戏节奏 特色 云存储单人成就 感受节拍,扮演想成为摇滚巨星的阿茶,和他凑起的杂牌军一起用喧闹的节奏战斗来反抗邪恶的机械义肢企业帝国!当初带给各位《邪灵入侵®》和《幽灵线®:东京》(真的没开玩笑)的 Tango...