制冷剂有很多种,通常有R22,R12,134A,R407C等。其实效果R22和R12最好,其实就是氟里昂,破坏大气层的,蒙特利尔条约禁止使用的。现在制冷剂出来很多种,科学家正在研究生物制冷剂,所以制冷剂HFC123a 只是一种新的制冷剂,只是化学成分不同而已。
您搜索的“hfc123a制冷剂”暂无商品,为您展示“制冷剂”的结果,您也可直接去问我~ 去提问 制冷剂 储存 常温储存 阴凉处 材质 制冷剂 液体 四氟丙烯 五氟丙烷 状态 气体 液体 品牌 巨化 科慕 霍尼韦尔 晨隆化工 星源科技 盈实能源 汀卜 东岳 杜邦 R1234YF 菲勒科技 乐投科技 冰龙 科幕 杭井 海化 ...
Experiments were conducted to obtain row-by-row heat transfer data during condensation of downward-flowing zeotropic refrigerant mixture HCFC-123/HFC-134a on a 3×15 (columns×rows) staggered bundle of horizontal low-finned tubes. The vapor temperature and the HFC-134a mass fraction at the tube ...
CHF2CH3 (HFC-152a), CF3CH3 (HFC-143a), CF3CHF2 (HFC-125), and CHCl2CF3 (HCFC-123) are the molecules investigated in this study. We have measured the vapor infrared spectra from 400 to 4000 cm−1 at a resolution (0.08 cm−1) sufficient to resolve some overlapping fundamentals...
Kinetic study of the reactions of OH radicals with CH3CHF2 (HFC-152a) and CHCl2CF3 (HCFC-123)Effekter af forureningNielsenO.J
A 摘要: Experimental data of the dielectric constant of HCFC 123 and HFC 152a as a function of pressure and temperature in the temperature range from 200 to 300 K and pressures up to 18 MPa were correlated as a function of pressure and temperature, with an uncertainty of ±0.01 for HCFC...
potential thousands of times higher than that of CO2.for example, HFC123 has a global warming effect 11,700 times greater 温度控制的仓库(和车)提出一个特殊脱碳挑战,当他们使用的冷却液气体那可能有全球性变暖潜在的数以万计时间更加高于例如二氧化碳, HFC123有一个全球性变暖作用11,700次更加伟大[...
阿里巴巴全新江淮瑞鹰2.0 2.4 瑞风G4JS商务车HFC4GA1 4GA3汽油发动机总成,内燃机,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是全新江淮瑞鹰2.0 2.4 瑞风G4JS商务车HFC4GA1 4GA3汽油发动机总成的详细页面。订货号:其他,加工定制:否,货号:其他,品牌:江淮,型号:4GA3,
CHF2CH3 (HFC-152a), CF3CH3 (HFC-143a), CF3CHF2 (HFC-125), and CHCl2CF3 (HCFC-123) are the molecules investigated in this study. We have measured the vapor infrared spectra from 400 to 4000 cm−1 at a resolution (0.08 cm−1) sufficient to resolve some overlapping fundamentals...