HFO-1233zd(E) HFO-1233zd(E) 化学名称:反式-1-氯-3,3,3-三氟丙烯,分子式:(E)-CF3CH=CHCl,作为A1级制冷剂,它化学性质稳定、无毒、不可燃,且热力学性能优异,另外作为环境友好型制冷剂,它的ODP≈0,几乎不破坏臭氧层,GWP=4,大气寿命短,温室效应极低。
Our back trajectory analysis for the Jungfraujoch observations suggests high emission strength of HFC-1234ze(E) in the Belgium/Netherlands region. HCFC-1233zd(E) is present at very low mole fractions (typically <0.03 ppt) at both stations, and features pronounced seasonality and a general ...
项目名称:年产1.2万吨HFC-245fa、1.2万吨HFO-1233zd及副产75164吨31%盐酸、1200吨50~93%硫酸、1812吨含水氢氟酸技术改造项目 项目性质:技改扩建 主要建设内容:①本次技术改造项目工程是对已建2万吨/年HCC-240fa和1.2万吨/年HFC-245fa生产装置进行技术改造,改造后新增产品HFO-1233zd。各产品的最大生产量为3...
One process is described, by introducing them to the method for producing HFC-245fa, wherein being changed into a valuable product further from the not available byproduct of the method for the manufacture across HCFO-1233zd (E). Process includes that the hydrofluorination of the catalysis of...
项目名称:年产1.2万吨HFC-245fa、1万吨HFO-1233zd及副产75164吨31%盐酸、1200吨50~93%硫酸、1812吨含水氢氟酸技术改造项目; 建设单位:中化蓝天霍尼韦尔新材料有限公司; 行业类别:其他专用化学产品制造[C2669]; 项目性质:技改; 法人代表:王水耀; 建设地点:苏州市太仓港经济技术开发区港区石化区滨江南路18号; ...
摘要: 本发明描述了其中通过将来自制备反式HCFO1233zd(E)的方法的不可用的副产物引入生产HFC245fa的方法中来将所述副产物转化为有价值的产品的方法.所述方法包括将包含HCFO1233zd生产的副产物的反应混合物进行催化氢氟化.收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享
三美股份(603379)8月30日发布投资者关系活动记录表,公司于2024年8月27日接受12家机构调研,机构类型为保险公司、基金公司、证券公司。 投资者关系活动主要内容介绍: 问:公司如何规划新增的HFC-32的配额? 答:根据生态环境部发布的《关...网页链接
A process is described wherein otherwise unusable by-products from a process for the manufacture of trans HCFO-1233zd(E) are converted to a valuable product by introducing them into a process for the production of HFC-245fa. The process includes the catalytic hydrofluorination of a reaction ...
By converting unavailable by-products from the process for preparing trans-HCFO-1233zd (E) into valuable products by introducing them into the process for producing HFC-245fa Describe how to convert. The process comprises contact hydrofluorination of a reaction mixture comprising by-products of HCFO...