2 进入到【设置】选项界面后,用户点击其中的【通用】选项。3 在【通用】选项界面中用户可以很明显的看到【Siri】这个选项,我们点击这个选项哦。4 用户首先要点击【Siri】选项才能进入到下面的进一步设置操作。进入到【Siri】的界面后,用户开启Siri右侧的按钮。即为开启了Siri这个功能,也为开启heysiri打下了基础。...
Apple introduced the "Hey Siri" feature with the iPhone 6 (iOS 8). This feature allows users to invoke Siri without having to press the home button. When a user says, "Hey Siri, how is the weather today?" the phone wakes up upon hearing "Hey Siri" and processes the rest of the ut...
苹果Siri唤醒词将从“Hey Siri”改为“Siri” #siri #语音助手 #小爱同学 - 小喃来了于20221117发布在抖音,已经收获了231.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The "Hey Siri" feature allows users to invoke Siri hands-free. A very small speech recognizer runs all the time and listens for just those…
How to set up "Siri" or "Hey Siri" Before we dive into what Siri can do, it'll help to make sure the feature is set up in the first place. If you've never used voice commands and are unsure if it is even enabled, check the Settings app. ...
00:00 / 00:00 倍速 当前设备不支持播放 你可以 刷新 试试 70017001.199-358e1abf24042e9ab7737f34d03dd9ba 不用再说HeySiri了,缩短为“Siri” 2023-06-06 07:38 发布于上海|154 观看 1 评论 收藏 1 手机看 梨视频 粉丝487.5万|关注7 +关注 ...
How to Enable "Hey Siri" on iPhone and iPad When you go through the initial setup process on your iPhone or iPad after purchasing (or after a major OS update), Apple gives you chance to set up the "Hey Siri" feature. If you previously skipped that option, it's not too late to set...
6月4日消息,据知名苹果爆料记者Mark Gurman透露,苹果(AAPL.US)可能在下周的WWDC23大会上宣布一项重大改变,即取消目前唤醒语音助手Siri所需的“Hey,Siri”唤醒词,用户只需说“Siri”就可以激活语音助手。去年11月,Gurman曾称,苹果正在研究让Siri能够理解和响应不需要使用“Hey,Siri”作为触发词的命令。这项技术...
日前,有消息称,苹果决定简化iPhone语音助手的唤醒词,以“Siri”取代“Hey Siri”。同时,苹果未来还想要开放Siri,从而能够更好地与第三方服务与应用配合使用,扩大其覆盖的范围。不可否认的是,以更为简洁的“Siri”取代“Hey Siri”来唤醒手机的语音助手,确实能让用户的使用体验提升了不少。毕竟,如今想要触发...