hey siri 默..如题,现在叫Siri播放音乐直接从网易云播放了,怎么改回用Apple Music播放?太烦了啊 求大神解答!
直接Hey Siri 就能播音樂 因為有訂閱YouTube Premium 的關係,一直以來我都是直接用YouTube music 來聽音樂,沒有再額外訂閱Apple Music、KKBOX、Spotify…等其他的音樂串流服務。但是當我要用HomePod、HomePod mini播音樂時都會遇到個小困擾,就是沒辦法用Hey Siri 的方式讓智慧音箱直接聲控播放,而是還要多個步驟,先在i...
我:Hey siri, play some music Siri:[音乐]
Hey siri, play some music for me. Alright, here is some music picked just for you.
Okay, so let's not get started on The Outfield right now. It seems both versions will add to my playlist now. I've managed to replicate the issue, even with all my music local, and I have some theories. When this happens, the Siri UI DOES NOT GO AWAY. Even if the new song show...
Learn how to properly use the Hey Siri feature in a multi-device environment so that only the right device responds to the wake-up phrase.
We want to help you get Siri get working as expected, so you have easy access to your favorites mix in Apple Music. One of the more common explanations for these types of issues is that Siri is having a hard time hearing you properly due to an issue with a microphone on your device...
Siri can be used with your AirPods to control your music, ask queries, make phone calls, and check the status of your AirPods. At the bottom of this article is a quick list of commands to get you started. Note that these commands won't do anything if your iOS device doesn't...