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Heroes of Hammerwatch NPCsBaltzar, the Beastmaster “I left my big Book of Monsters in the Tower Archives, it contains very valuable information about the dangerous fauna around here.” Blight the Horrible Arch-Necromancer in search of the Orb of Night ...
初始存档 基于Steam正版B101版本修改非MOD存档可联机 下载地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MZg21...
公告:控制台命令自行WIKI查询,只开启无标记MOD,不教使用! 0.本商品仅修改器,不包含游戏本体. 1.修改器包升级、支持平台请咨询客服. 2.一机一码绑定电脑. 3.修改器原创制作、不会附带任何软件和病毒,误报请增加排除或者退出杀毒软件使用. 4.除不可抗外力包升级售后、永久使用。
公告:控制台命令自行WIKI查询,只开启无标记MOD,不教使用! 0.本商品仅修改器,不包含游戏本体. 1.修改器包升级、支持平台请咨询客服. 2.一机一码绑定电脑. 3.修改器原创制作、不会附带任何软件和病毒,误报请增加排除或者退出杀毒软件使用. 4.除不可抗外力包升级售后、永久使用。 不可抗外力如:被版权方要求下...
Fires a beam of holy light that builds up and dealsmagical damagealong with healing allies inside it by a base plus 1% of their max health. The beam has a charge up time before dealing or healing the maximum amount and damages enemies in a small AOE. ...
The Moon Temple has a unique mechanic not seen anywhere else in Heroes of Hammerwatch: Slippery floors. Slippery floors create "Ice physics" that causes players to slide and makes it very difficult to speed up or slow down quickly, many of the challenge rooms use these floors alongside it's...
存档NG+10(区别于角色NG)全角色竞技场20段 全建筑解锁 全酒水 大量物品图鉴(非魔砧图纸)魔砧解锁...