Hero stats Explore the meta trends for all heroes and facets in Dota 2. Filter by position, rank, game mode, and date range to see the most popular heroes and how they perform.Group by HeroesFacets Date range Last 7 days Game Mode All PickTurbo Rank tier All ...
Off Lane Safe Lane 50% Support Safe Lane Off Lane Most Played HeroesAll Time more Hero Windranger 2024-03-02 Matches 155 Win % 47.10% KDA 2.78 Earthshaker 2024-03-01 151 50.99% 2.66 Support Safe Lane Legion Commander 10 months ago ...
Player Stats - game history performance Charts with GPM, XPM, WinRate, KDA and more, plotted by hero type (core, support) and data grouping: patch, month, ranked. Personal Hero Advantage Find the heroes a user is good (or bad) with. ...
Dota Plus - Hero Relic "Enemies Culled" for hero Axe Description So, the title explains it pretty much. The hero relic "Enemies Culled" doesn't ever update with the number of enemies I cull in-game as Axe. I'm not sure about other relics but this one I caught. For example, see my...
a strategically powerful unit with unique abilities and stats that improve over time. The hero can gain experience to increase his level, earn gold, buy and collect items that strengthen him. Each player constantly receives a small amount of gold, and also earns it by killing creeps, heroes ...
Dotapicker(Dota 2 hero pick web tools): Dota 2 hero pick web tools, including hero counter, hero team synergy and a full app with counter pick and synergy combi...
DOTA Hero Manager for Dota 2安卓版免费下载,尽在悟饭游戏厅,DOTA Hero Manager for Dota 2简介:eal Dota 2 stats. No more boring hero guides. Improve your Dota 2 knowledge ---
Stats25 15 1 Level <%CalculateHitpoints(25)%> <%CalculateHitpoints(15)%> <%CalculateHitpoints(1)%> HIT POINTS <%CalculateMana(25)%> <%CalculateMana(15)%> <%CalculateMana(1)%> MANA <%CalculateDamageMin(25)%> - <%CalculateDamageMax(25)%> <%CalculateDamageMin(15)%> - <%...
DOTA Hero Manager for Dota2游戏简介 Real Dota 2 stats. No more boring hero guides.Improve your Dota 2 knowledge---Investigate new strategies to create the best team comp. Team fights, combos, counterpicks, synergies… Show your skills and knowledge to the entire Dota 2 community.Simulate a...
玩加电竞 刀塔DOTA2 Hero Gaming 移动站 战队信息队名:Hero Gaming 别名:Hero 地区:中国| // 胜/平/负历史总战绩 0 连败近期战绩 历史比赛 全部对手 Hero (50%)vs(50%) Dark Knight 0: 1 分享页面 文章推荐 TI9战队巡礼——Vici Gaming:我到来,我征服 阳阳yy Newbee收购Forward Gaming战队并...