Towers no longer gain extra armor per nearby enemy hero. Tower health increased to account for some of this: Tier 1 Towers health increased from 1600 to 1800 Tier 2 Towers health increased from 1600 to 1900 Tier 3 Towers health increased from 1600 to 2000 Tier 4 Towers health increased fr...
Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable goldgain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60%修改买活金钱惩罚机制,由取消不可靠金钱收入(如击杀小兵获得的金钱)改成减少所有收入60%。(买活一波肥现在不可能了)Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275近...
dota_bot_client_debug cl Draw some basic client-side debug info for each hero. dota_bot_debug_clear sv, cheat Disables all bot debugging. dota_bot_debug_clear_all sv, cheat Disables all bot debugging. dota_bot_debug_grid sv dota_bot_debug_grid_cycle sv, cheat Cycles through grid...
dota_camera_hero_inspector_fov_min 50 dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_direction_multiplier 0 dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_frametime_multiplier 2 dota_camera_hero_inspector_mousewheel_process_interval 0 dota_camera_hero_inspector_speed_const 3 dota_camera_hero_inspector_zfar_max 40...
Phantom Lancer feels a little too good stat-wise, in our opinion. The biggest buff the hero received was the universal attack range increase and getting ~10% win rate off the back of that feels wild. Perhaps there is an undocumented change doing some work, or perhaps we are underestimating...
游戏性改动 丢掉2塔之后塔防的冷却时间缩短2.5分钟 激活防御符文后会显示哪个玩家激活防御符文 激活防御符文在激活0.5秒后生效 Stat gain calculation improved Pooling items was streamlined 肉山继续护甲从4减少到3 肉山每4分钟获得护甲从0.7提高到1.0 肉山现在如果在15秒内未收到伤害,则每秒回复5%生命 法术阻挡增益...
转自新浪游戏游戏性改动 丢掉2塔之后塔防的冷却时间缩短2.5分钟 激活防御符文后会显示哪个玩家激活防御符文 激活防御符文在激活0.5秒后生效 Stat gain calculation improved Pooling items was streamlined 肉山继续护甲从4减少到3 肉山每4分钟获得护甲从0.7提高到1.0 肉山现在如果在15秒内未收到伤害,则每秒回复5%生命 ...
However the hero’s laning stage is kind of tough. Of course he can start the game with the nighttime facet, but we’ve actually seen the second facet be rather popular as well: the reduced vision mechanic is certainly powerful and annoying to deal with, as long as NS himself gets at ...
Let's say you have a hero whose main attribute is currently agility, and has a stat of 80 strength, 200 agility, and 40 intelligence. Currently, they gain 1 damage per point of agility, thus they gain +200 base damage (1x200 = 200). If they were to change to universal, the hero ...
13 <Panel id="UpgradeStatBG" /> 14 <Panel id="UpgradeStatLevelContainer" hittest="false"> 15 <Panel id="StatUp0" class="LevelPanel" /> 16 <Panel id="StatUp1" class="LevelPanel" /> 17 <Panel id="StatUp2" class="LevelPanel" /> 18 <Panel id="StatUp3" class="LevelPan...