(Mathematics)mathsa matrix that is the transpose of the matrix of the complex conjugates of the entries of a given matrix. Also called:adjoint [C19: named after CharlesHermite(1822–1901), French mathematician] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol...
1adjoint和hermitian分别是什么意思?例句:Gluons transform in the adjoint representation of SU(3),which is 8-dimensional.The space of 3 x 3 hermitian matrices with trace equal to zero is 8-dimensional. 2 adjoint和hermitian分别是什么意思? 例句: Gluons transform in the adjoint representation of SU(...
The use of complex Hermitian adjacency matrices allows to store more data relevant to asymmetric communication, and extends the interpretation of the resulting eigensystem beyond the principal eigenpair. This is based on the fact, that the adjacency matrix is transformed into a linear self-adjoint ...
数学名词 adjoint伴随矩阵 hermitian厄密共轴
adjoint normal matrix unitary matrix References in periodicals archive ? Taking the hermitian conjugate of (10), post-multiplying by [psi], then yields [1, p. A modern interpretation of the Dirac-electron continuity equation For a non-Hermitian matrix A = [([a.sub.ij]).sub.N x N] [mem...
Adjoint of a matrix Denoted by adjA, this is defined for square matrices A only. It is the transpose of the matrix whose elements are the cofactors of the elements of A. The cofactors Aij of aij are given by Aij=−1i+jMij
In mathematics, a Hermitian matrix (or self-adjoint matrix) is a square matrix with complex entries that is equal to its own conjugate transpose – that is, the element in the i-th row and j-th column is equal to the complex conjugate of the element in the j-th row and i-th column...
11.Some Common Properties Among Invertible Matrix,Adjoint Matrix and Inverse Matrix可逆矩阵及其伴随矩阵、逆矩阵的一些共同特性 12.block multiplication of matrices矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法 13.Inverse Matrix of Triple-diaganal Symmetry Toeplitz Matrix;Toeplitz矩阵逆阵的一种...
A self-adjoint operator has a Hermitian matrix representation in which the Hermitian matrix is equal to the complex conjugate of its transpose in which the matrix rows and columns are exchanged. The Hermitian matrix representation of A^, the conjugate transpose, is (90)A^+=A^T∗. The matri...
We show that the physical principle "the adjoint associates to each state a `test' for that state" fully characterises the Hermitian adjoint for pure quantum theory, therefore providing the adjoint with operational meaning beyond its standard mathematical definition. Also, we show that for general ...