Journal of Physics A General PhysicsMehta M L and Normand J M 1998 Probability density of the determinant of a random Hermitian matrix J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31 5377-91Madan Lal Mehta and Jean-Marie Normand. Probability density of the deter- minant of a random hermitian matrix. J. ...
摘要: We present randomized algorithms for estimating the trace and determinant of Hermitian positive semi-definite matrices. The algorithms are based on subspace iteration, and access the matrix only...关键词:Mathematics - Numerical Analysis 68W20 65F15 65F40 65F25 65F35 15B52 62F15 ...
Let F be a finite field of characteristic different from 2. We study the cardinality of sets of matrices with a given determinant or a given permanent for the set of Hermitian matrices H_n(F) and for the whole matrix space M_n(F). It is known that for n = 2, there are bijective...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (Alg.)a determinant in which the elements in each column of the matrix are equal to the elements of the corresponding row of the matrix with the signs changed, as in (1), below. See also:Skew Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G....
In this work we present a one-parameter family of divergence functions for measuring distances between Hermitian positive-definite matrices. We then study the invariance properties of these divergence functions as well as the matrix means based on them. We also give globally convergent algorithms for...
Existence of minimal nonsquare J-symmetric factorizations for self-adjoint rational matrix functions In this paper we show that any rational matrix function having hermitian values on the imaginary axis, and with constant signature and constant pole signat... L Lerer,MA Petersen,ACM Ran - 《Linear...
LinearAlgebra Determinant compute the determinant of a Matrix Calling Sequence Parameters Description Examples References Calling Sequence Determinant( A , m ) Parameters A - Matrix m - (optional) equation of the form method=value where value is one...
Hands-On Matrix Algebra Using R Payoff Matrix Determinant and Singularity of a Square Matrix The Norm, Rank and Trace of a Matrix Matrix Inverse and Solution of Linear Equations Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Similar Matrices, Quadratic and Jordan Canonical Forms Hermitian, ... Vinod,D Hrishikesh 被...
4) the lower bound of the determinant module 行列式的模的下界 1. Furthermore, a new estimation ofthe lower bound of the determinant moduleon the Hadamard product of a Hermitian positive definite matrix and a quasi-generalized complex positive definite matrix is obtained by using the improvement ...