Pausanias, Description of Greece 2. 17. 4 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "The presence of a cuckoo seated on the sceptre [of Hera] they explain by the story that when Zeus was in love with Hera in her maidenhood he changed himself into this bird, and she caught ...
In a tale of love, jealousy, and divine power, we follow the story of Hera, the Queen of Olympus and the goddess of marriage. With a tumultuous relationship with Zeus, the King of Gods, Hera's life is fraught with betrayal and vengeance. Despite her dedication to family and the welfare...
It is impossible here to enumerate all the events of mythical story in which Hera acts a more or less prominent part; and the reader must refer to the particular deities or heroes with whose story she is connected.Hera had sanctuaries, and was worshipped in many parts of Greece, often in...
In English the meaning "man who exhibits great bravery" in any course of action is from 1660s. The sense of "chief male character in a play, story, etc." is recorded by 1690s.Hero-worshipis from 1713 in reference to ancient cults and mysteries; of living men by 1830s. ...
Bay.,Fürth 1957;Mi.Whitby,Greek HistoricalWritingafter Procopius:Variety andVitality,in:Av.Cameron/L.I.Conrad(Hgg.),TheByzantineandEarlyIslamicNearEastI:ProblemsintheLiterarySourceMaterial,Princeton(N.J.)1992,25–80,bes.45–54;Mi.Whitby/Ma.Whitby,TheHi-storyofTheophylactSimocatta.AnEnglish...
revenge (報復) The story of Zeus and Io is the sad story of infidelity and revenge. heifer (母牛) Zeus changed his beautiful lover, Io, into a black and white heifer to hide her from Hera. ruse (詭計) Hera saw through the ruse and sent Argos Panoptes (all seeing) to keep watch on...
Adorned with majestic plumage and a blossoming, flower-like crest, peacocks have been worshipped across the world throughout history. In Greek mythology, the “eyes” on peacock feathers originate from the story... Read more Exhibitions
Hera Greek Goddess of Love and Marriage Mount Olympus Home of the Gods and Goddesses Formed itself after the Gods defeated the Titans in the Titans War.
Ophelia begins to unravel the secrets woven into her family’s history as she and her friends plunge into the quest of a lifetime. A contemporary YA fantasy (age 14-18) with a gripping and fresh twist on Greek mythology as the ancient pantheon of gods inhabit an ensemble of diverse teenag...
Nikos Klinis was my travel advisor for the day, and he filled our travels with history of Crete, mythology, and knew the good local spots to stop based on my interests. (Coffee? Local fruit? Byzantine churches? He knew where to go) The cave...