Hera is known as the Greek goddess of: Marriage Family Childbirth Women Overall, she was titled the protector of women. Hera was known for being faithful herself, but she is often described as a jealous, vengeful goddess, particularly towards Zeus and his many lovers and bastard offspring. Her...
In a tale of love, jealousy, and divine power, we follow the story of Hera, the Queen of Olympus and the goddess of marriage. With a tumultuous relationship with Zeus, the King of Gods, Hera's life is fraught with betrayal and vengeance. Despite her dedication to family and the welfare...
According to this story, Minerva was born from the head of Jupiter, which angered Juno. She complained to Flora, the goddess of flowers and gardens, who touched Juno with a magic herb that caused her to give birth to the god Mars*. A similar myth exists in Greek mythology, but in ...
Aphrodite. Hera was without doubt the most beautiful goddess ... she was even more beautiful than the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Each year Hera would bathe in a spring called Kanathos near Korinth where the waters of the spring restored her youth and virginity. ...
Hera is many things: the daughter of Titans, Olympian goddess of childbirth and marriage, the Queen of Olympus, and wife to Zeus, but one thing she is not is merciful.
The Heraia were certainly a religious ritual, and the foundation myth indicates that the event was originally a ritual of thanks to the goddess Hera. The Temple of Hera at ancient Olympia This myth is central toHeart of Fire’s story, but I will post more about that in the coming weeks...
Hera Greek Goddess The Interesting Life of a Greek Goddess Having to be one of the queen goddesses can sometimes be hard work. Hera was one of the queen goddesses along with her two sisters, Demeter and Hestia. She went through countless greatnesses, but she also went through many weaknesses...
Welcome to Kythera, the idyllic birthplace of Aphrodite. A window in the middle of the Mediterranean. Walk in the paths of the heart and secret loves. Kythira is the island that blurs the border between myth and reality. The romantic envision depicted in Antoine Watteau’s painting, The Em...