Suidas, The Suda - Byzantine Greek Lexicon C10th A.D.OTHER SOURCESOther sources not quoted here: numerous.BIBLIOGRAPHYA complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page.HERA SUMMARY THE GODDESS HERA Parents Cronus and Rhea Husband Zeus Goddess of Marriage, sky, queen of the gods ...
Hera, the Vain GoddessJust like most of the other Greek goddesses, when it came to her beauty, Hera was easily offended.Hera and OrionOnce, Orion’s wife Side (“pomegranate”) boasted that she was as beautiful as Hera, so the goddess sent her to the Underworld. When Laomedon’s ...
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 31. 264 ff (trans. Rouse) (Greek epic C5th A.D.) : "Hera the Titan's daughter took strong part in the war against Kronos her father and helped Zeus in his fight." For MORE information on her foster-parents & nurses see: ...
On her own, Hera gave birth to Hephaestus. Parents of Hera Like brother Zeus, Hera's parents wereCronosand Rhea, who wereTitans. Roman Hera In Roman mythology, the goddess Hera is known as Juno.
Marriage (婚姻) HERA (HEE-ruh; Roman name Juno) was the goddess of marriage. Queen皇后 Hera was the wife of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians. wife (妻子) Hera is the beautiful and powerful wife (and sister) of Zeus. Immortals (不死者) She is the most beautiful of the immortals, eve...
calls Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to endow her with some of those fascinating charms by lying that she will visit her foster parents, Oceanus & Tethys, who have been quarrelling recently. Specifically, the magic cestus(腰带), which can ...
•ZeusthenchangedbackintoaGodandrapedhercausingtheGoddesssomuchshamethatsheagreedtomarryhim.AHeavenlyMarriage •Allthegodsandgoddessesattended,bringingwiththemmarvelousgifts.•Gaiapresentedhergranddaughter,Hera,withawondroustree.•Heraplantedthistree,richlyhungwithGolden Apples,inhergardenunderthecareofthe Hesp...
Hera SyndullaonWookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki References ↑Star Wars Rebels: "Family Reunion - and Farewell" ↑Ahsoka: "Part One: Master and Apprentice" ↑Ahsoka: "Part Two: Toil and Trouble" ↑Image of Hera and The Ghost in Disney Infinity 3.0 ...
First she dresses herself up all nicely, then she calls Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to endow her with some of those fascinating charms by lying that she will visit her foster parents, Oceanus Tethys, who have been quarrelling recently. Specifically, the magic cestus(腰带), which can ...
james turrell unveils plans for colossal 'cosmic observatories' land art in AlUla's ancient desert outdoor subterranean oculi, called skyspaces, will frame the shifting hues of the sky to reveal phenomena rarely visible to the naked eye.