. . Hera! One of the most powerful goddesses in Greek mythology was the queen of all the gods, Hera. She was known to the Greeks as the goddess of life and protector of marriage and childbirth. Hera herself had many children, who were all very powerful as well. These children included...
Motherhood: As the Goddess of Motherhood, Hera has absolute and divine authority about raising children and her own fertility. Her powers are most likely superior to those of her male counterpart Hymenaios. Self-Impregnation: As shown in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Hera managed to become ...
Define Hera. Hera synonyms, Hera pronunciation, Hera translation, English dictionary definition of Hera. also He·re n. Greek Mythology The goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth; the wife and sister of Zeus. American Heritage® Dictionary of the E
Properly speaking, Hera was the only really married goddess among the Olympians, for the marriage of Aphrodite with Ares can scarcely be taken into consideration; and hence she is the goddess of marriage and of the birth of children. Several epithets and surnames, such as Eileithuia, Gamê...
InGreek mythology, the beautiful goddess Hera was queen of the Greek gods and the wife ofZeus, the king. Hera was goddess of marriage and childbirth. Since Hera's husband was Zeus, king not only of gods, but of philanderers, Hera spent a lot of time in Greek mythology angry with Zeus...
Hera is many things: the daughter of Titans, Olympian goddess of childbirth and marriage, the Queen of Olympus, and wife to Zeus, but one thing she is not is merciful.
Greek Goddess: Hera;1. Life of Hera;Life of Hera--Birth;Life of Hera--Fostering;Life of Hera—Seduction by Zeus;Life of Hera—Marriage with Zeus;Life of Hera—Children ;Divine Functions of Hera--Image;Divine Functions of Hera--Image;Divine Functions of Hera—Sacred Plants and Animals;...
Olympians Titans Greek Gods Myths Plays Hera👸 Hera :: Queen of the Gods Olympians / HeraHera is the wife of Zeus, the Queen of Olympus, and the Olympian goddess of marriage. As such, she is also the deity most associated with family and the welfare of women and children. Her ...
GreekGoddess:HeraByFengLiping1.LifeofHera2.DivineFunctionsofHera3.CharactersofHera4.HerainLiteratureWorksBirthofHeraFosteringofHeraChildrenofHeraSeductionofHerabyZeusMarriagewithZeusImageofHeraRoleofHeraSacredPlantsandAnimalsofHeraJunoinRomeStoryofSemeleStoryofIoStoryofHeraclesOtherStoriesTheJudgmentofParis Outline...