Henry II- king of France from 1547 to 1559; regained Calais from the English; husband of Catherine de Medicis and father of Charles IX (1519-1559) Valois- French royal house from 1328 to 1589 2.Henry II- first Plantagenet King of England; instituted judicial and financial reforms; quarreled...
Her father-in-law King Henry II of France became the father she’d never known. Su suegro, el rey Enrique II de Francia, se convirtió en el padre que nunca tuvo. Literature The action takes place between October 1558 and November 1559 at the royal court of Henry II of France. ...
Henry II, king of France from 1547 to 1559, and his wife Catherine de' Medici. Valois-Angoulême dynasty. Henry II, king of France (1547-1559), husband of Catherine de' Medici and father of Francis II of France, died prematurely following a tournament in the Place des Tournelles in ...
but was not a reformer or terribly keen on the new men who were promoted at court – in short he was something of a conservative as was his father the Duke of Norfolk. When Surrey quartered his own arms with those of Edward the Confessor it seemed to the king that Surrey intended to ...
沪江词库精选henry ii是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 phr. 亨利二世 英语解释 king of France from 1547 to 1559; regained Calais from the English; husband of Catherine de Medicis and father of Charles IX (1519-1559) first Plantagenet King of England; instituted ...
celebrated ancestors, who had considerable success in their military engagements with England’s enemies. The Archbishop’s description of King Edward III looking down proudly on his son’s achievements from up high “on a hill” reminds Henry to make his own father proud as he watches from ...
The site where the four storey pub now stands was once a dower house which belonged to Queen Catherine of Aragon, the first wife of King Henry VIII. It’s believed that the property was given to Catherine by King Henry VII, father of her first husband, Prince Arthur – who died in Apr...
4.Cape,a cape in SE Virginia at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Hen•ry (ˈhɛn ri) n. 1.Henry I, a.1068–1135, king of England 1100–35 (son of William the Conqueror). b.1008–60, king of France 1031–60. 2.Henry II, ...
Who was king of France before Charles VII? What made Henry II a good king and a bad king? Who was Henry Tudor's father? How did Henry Tudor become King Henry VII? Who was King Henry V's best friend? What French king followed Louis XVIII?
Henry Ford, one of the few men that made mainstream automobiles a reality. He was born into a family of farmers who originated from England and Ireland. Not the wealthiest of families, but not poverty-stricken either.In his teenage years, his father had given him a timepiece which he later...