That the Covent Garden manager, John Rich, [4] could engage four French dancers, and a German with two dogs, taught to dance the _Louvre_ and the _Minuet_, at ten pounds a night, and clear thereby “above 20 good houses,” while the Othello of Booth and the Wildair of Wilkes were...
and cut off the noses of Eustace and Juliane’s two daughters, King Henry I’s own grandchildren. Juliane and Eustace were outraged. Eustace fortified his castles in the Duchy of Normandy at Lire, Gls, Pont-Saint-Pierre, and Pacy-sur-Eure. Juliane went to the Château d’Ivry-la...
After fighting in southern France, Rome, Anzio, Salerno and throughout Italy he was honorably discharged in 1946. Known for his storytelling, his war stories are chronicled in the archives of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and in the Robert Jackson Memorial Library in Jamestown,...
The major problem looming over England by the time of Henry’s accession to the throne was, by far, the conflict with France. In 1360, Henry’s great-grandfather, Edward III, who was in possession of the French king, John II, at the time, forced the French to agree to the Treaty of...
She paid attention to the development and well being of her grandchildren and she had the fortune to survive to see Henry VIII crowned. She must also have believed he too would bring in a golden era. Henry had the best of luck at Boswoth, with also a great commander in Oxford ...
The entire Beaufort family will find their stories told in this book, from the first and oldest, John Beaufort, through his brothers, nephews and nieces, sons and grandchildren. The story ofJoan Beaufortqueen of Scotland, is told with sympathy and compassion, as is the original love story of...
and George Ball of Alberta, Saskatchewan. There are also several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Rev. S.T. Lippincott of the Centenary Methodist church will be in charge of the funeral service to be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be at North Purchase cemetery. ...