- decreased iron- decreased ferritin- increased TIBC Which test will be the FIRST to indicate that you have instituted appropriate therapy and that the patient is responding for IDA? Increase in reticulocyte count (7-10 days) How long should you continue iron supplementation once the patients labs...
a RBC precursor with mitochondria filled with iron are called ___ and can be found in what condition ringed sideroblast, MDS a commonly diagnosed myeloid neoplasm that has traits of MDS and MPNs that is shown to have an absolute monocytosis, dysplasia of one or more myeloid cell line, and...
Explain what sideroblastic anemia is and how we can treat it body's inability to properly incorporate iron into hemoglobin within red blood cell precursors, despite having adequate or even high levels of iron in the body. Removal of drug or toxin. Calcium disodium edetate will chelate the lead...
-1 unit or 1 pint (approximately 500mL) is removed weekly until Hct is < 45 -Will intentionally cause iron deficiency which will gradually decrease need for phlebotomy Myelosuppression wHydroxyurea 500-1500mg/day -Reserved for those at high risk for thrombosis, unable to have phlebotomy, or intr...