Medical research Stem cell transplantation for AL amyloidosis leads to long-term survival and possible cure in selected patients AL amyloidosis is a life-threatening disease related to bone marrow cancer and multiple myeloma. It is caused when a person's antibody-producing white blood cells (i.e....
Patients seeking second medical hematology/oncology opinions in the United States: a report of their demographics and disease processesThe seeking and rendering of second opinions are common occurrences in the routine delivery of medical care in the United States. Virtually all subspecialties of ...
disease Complainedofmenorrhagiafor5years,dizziness,fatigue,loss ofappetite,palpitationandshortnessofbreathforabout6 months. Thepatientwithahistoryofmenstruationhasincreasedsince 2005,withdarkredbloodclots,9~10daysclean,requiringmore than2bagsoftoiletpapereachtime,and28~30daysof menstrualcycle.Neverseekmedical...
Although BM-derived MC from the transgenic animals eventually became growth factor in- dependent and could be maintained in long-term cultures, the incomplete disease penetrance in this model suggested that additional somatic mutations are necessary for full MC transformation. In another transgenic mouse...
Autoantibodies present in long COVID, but not a ‘smoking gun’ for new autoimmune disease November 24, 2024 2 min read How to ethically approach ‘Zoom dysmorphia’ in aesthetically-inclined patients November 20, 2024 2 min read Study provides more positive data for Paxlovid use in high-risk...
Much of the height loss occurs during be a reflection of a heavier virus load, and might be an early therapy and may be related to radiation;an adequate "catch-up"phase of marker of more significant disease. growth doesnot occur. CLINICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS OF BENIGN NEUTROPENIA ...
These clinical and experi- mental findings suggest that a plasma or other marrow micro- environmental factor in FA may be responsible for the increased chromosomal fragility previously observed in this disease. 899 LONG TERM BONE MARROW CULTURE I N CHEDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME (CHS). P e t e r E...
Medical College of Wisconsin USA Haval Shirwan University of Louisville USA View More Recommended GlobalNeuroscienceWebinars & Conferences Europe & UK Alzheimers-2025,FranceNEUROSCIENCE_2025,FranceNeurological Disorders 2025,NetherlandsStroke Meeting 2025,FranceEuro Dementia 2025,Germany ...
the significant growth of age-related diseases has put forward higher requirements for the construction of the medical system and social security mechanism. In the past year, the Hematology Branch of the Chinese Geriatric Society has made great progress in clinical research, academic exchanges, and ...