Nevertheless, the memory CTL-mediated anti-tumor immune effect required the helps of Th1 and Th2 cells. The cross-regulation between Thl and Th2 cells seemed to be beneficial for the host to generate more effector CTL for mounting an efficient anti-tumor response. It concluded that the ...
In the few years since their discovery, T helper 17 cells (TH17) have been shown to play an important role in host defense against infections, and in tissue inflammation during autoimmunity. TH17 cells produce IL-17, IL-21, IL-10, and IL-22 cytokines, and thus have broad effects on a ...
During the initialacute stage of HIV, CD4 T cells can bring the infection under control because their numbers are high. But they don't fully clear the infection. Instead, the virus will go into hiding, embedding itself in tissues where it can remain undetected by the immune system for years...
The metabolic hormone leptin promotes the function of TFH cells and supports vaccine responses. Nat. Commun. (2021). Linterman, M. A. & Hill, D. L. Can follicular helper T cells be targeted to improve vaccine efficacy? F1000Res https://doi....
Follicular helper T cells (Tfh) play critical roles instructing, and initiating T-cell dependent antibody responses. The underlying mechanisms that enhance their function is therefore critical for vaccine development. Here we apply gene array analysis identifying adenosine deaminase (ADA) as a key molec...
CD4+T cells can be further divided into subtypes defined by their cytokine expression and immune function. These include the proinflammatory, antitumorigenicTh1andTh17 cells; the antiinflammatory, protumorigenic Th2 cells; and the antiinflammatoryTregcells[228]. Culturing CD4+T cells in ASC-conditioned...
医学英语(医学术语) t细胞 免疫学 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App 开通机构号 无障碍模式 验证码登录 密码登录 中国+86 登录/注册 其他方式登录 未注册手机验证后自动登录,注册即代表同意《知乎协议》《隐私保护指引》...
Tools to Study T Helper Cells Cell Isolation T helper cell subtypes can be isolated directly from PBMCs in whole blood using magnetic bead-based separation or FACS, directed by antibodies against specific surface markers whose expression largely corresponds to Thidentity as defined by function. Alter...
T-helper (Th) cells can be classified into Th1 cells, which produce interleukin (IL)-2 and interferon (IFN) γ and are involved in cellular immunity, and Th2 cells, which produce IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 and are involved in humoral immunity [5]. ...
Regulatory T (Treg) cells are functionally heterogeneous, yet how each Treg cell subset exerts its suppressor function remains unresolved. Lin et al. identify IL-27 as a key Treg cell effector molecule selectively required for gut TH17 cell regulation. Chia-Hao Lin Cheng-Jang Wu Li-Fan Lu ...