This is was my implementation forprevious weekly fourth questionwhat's wrong in my code ? classSolution{public:vector<vector<int>>dp;intsolve(inti,vector<vector<int>>&num,intsum){if(sum==0){return1;}if(i==num.size()||sum<0)return0;if(dp[i][sum]!=-1)returndp[i][sum];intans=...
Template and 4 Steps to be followed by @igooglethings - Using bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently by @LHearen -
Even after solving a problem, one should look at the most liked solutions in the comment section of LeetCode and see how others may have used a more optimized approach. One can opt to solve the LeetCode’s top interview questions (
Coding is all about using the tools available to you to solve problems (then solving the problems that resulted from your solution to the previous problems, of course). That also happens to be the basic idea behind most video games, so the two combine naturally. These coding games cover ple...
Solve problems slightly above your level, not something extremely hard. If the solution/editorial is overwhelming, maybe get back to this problem in a few months. Still want to ask for help? If you think your question is small and easy to answer, consider asking in the discord channel,link...
LeetCode: Two Sum (Solution in Python & Explanation) In this article, I will be explaining how to solve the Two Sum problem on LeetCode. This is an Easy-level question for Arrays. The Problem Given an array of integersnumsand an integertarget, returnindices of the two numbers such that...
Contestants attempt to solve the puzzles by writing programs in their language of choice. Some platforms, such as Codeforces, provide programmers the opportunity to design test cases that cause fellow competitors’ source code to fail, with points earned for successful hacks. Point System Contest...
you don't know how to solve a problem and you want to be able to solve it someday, then trying to cheat definitely won't make you such a person. What's their motivation if not just solving the problem (which makes no sense, because in this way you should just want to get better...