Romaji TitleA-Rank Party o Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu o Mezasu Furigana Title Japanese TitleAランクパーティを離脱した俺は、元教え子たちと迷宮深部を目指す。 Japanese Studio Nameバンダイナムコピクチャーズ ...
Casual Japanese: いつでも手伝うよ。私の助けを受け入れてくれるのを待ってるね。 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, I used polite language forms such as "手伝いたい" (I want to help) and "受け入れるのを待っています" (waiting for you to accept). These expressions show...
If anyone knows of any books, websites, teaching materials, etc. that would be useful for learning Japanese honorific language, could you tell me about them? My friend has been struggling with the rules and how to choose words to use the polite "o" before, as well as situations in which...
Japanese text already entered into an input area may be edited in the normal way, using cut and paste or the Backspace and Delete keys, and moving through the document with the cursor (arrow) keys. But once a letter is re-typed at any point, the IME will convert the input to Hiragana...
audwin 1月29日 英语(美国) 日语 关于日语 的问题 i help in our family business 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 1月29日 Formal Japanese: 私は家族のビジネスで手伝っています。 复制 Casual Japanese: 家族のビジネスを手伝ってるよ。 复制 Explanation: In the formal ...
リシャ語と日本語を勉強しましょう。 Show romajihiragana 查看翻译 Highly-ratedanswerer 这个答案有吗? 嗯... (0) 帮助 (0) [来自HiNativeHi!正在学习外语你 你知道如何自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!使用HiNative免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章✍️✨ ...
lucasinjapan 2024年7月11日 英語(美國) 日語 有關日語 的問題 ハロー 皆さん i hope you guys can help me, i was looking for an japanese application where i can watch JP drama or series. At the moment i’m using TVer app however it doesn’t have japanese subtitles or even ...
Casual Japanese:```手伝ってほしいんだけど```Explanation:In the formal Japanese translation, the expression "お手伝いをお願いしたいのですが" is used. This formality is indicated by the use of polite language such as "お願いしたい" (o-negai shitai) which means "I would like to ...
Casual Japanese: ちょっと手伝ってくれる? 复制 Explanation in Simplified Chinese (China): 在正式的日语中,“手伝っていただけますか”是一种礼貌的表达方式,使用了敬语“~ていただけますか”来请求帮助。而在非正式的日语中,“手伝ってくれる?”使用了更加随意的表达方式,省略了敬语,更加亲近和随意...
I see a lot of Japanese tourists in my country and I always wanted to approach them to help them take photos but not sure how I can start the conversation. AI_monga 3月11日 Formal Japanese:```写真を撮る手伝いをさせていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?```Casual Japanese:```写真を...