Animal words feature prominently in the Japanese language. To help cover this important topic, here is our English to Japanese listing of animal names. The entries contain a variety of written versions including translations in English, Romaji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji....
Body Words INGLESE Italiano Little Explorers English-Italian Picture Dictionary
Bird Words ANGLAIS Français BILL le billet l'oiseau le merle la cage DUCK le canard l'aigle l'oeuf EMU l'émeu FEATHER la plume le kiwi le nid l'autruche le perroquet PEACOCK le paon le pingouin PET l'animal familier le pigeon
When going to Japan, there are many phrases you should probably know, as you may not find Japanese people who fluently speak the English language. But with these mentioned phrases will help you to communicate in a better way: English Simplified Japanese Translation Romaji* Yes はい。 Hai Good...
- Over 350K Japanese words & phrases - Example sentences - Audio pronunciation - Spelling suggestions - Search history record - Fastest search speed - Flexible search (by Kanji, Kana, Romaji or English) - Optimized for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch Plus Nouveau...
RomajiDesu English Japanese DictionaryType in the word to look up. You may type the word in either Japanese, Romaji or English. For example, if you want to look up the word "lover" in Japanese, you can search for either "恋人", or "こいびと", or "koibito", or "lover". ...
- Over 350K Japanese words & phrases - Example sentences - Audio pronunciation - Spelling suggestions - Search history record - Fastest search speed - Flexible search (by Kanji, Kana, Romaji or English) - Optimized for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch ...
Declan's Japanese Dictionary is a shareware Japanese-English dictionary. This application includes over 100,000 words. When searching for a word, we can enter a Kangi or its Romaji (Roman character) pronunciation. We can click the Kangi to view its ON pronunciation and its KUN pronunciation, ...
’; art forms like pottery – thinkrakuand ‘studio’ potters like Bernard Leach; and, finally, the written language, the complexities of which I’ll spare you. Suffice it to say thatromaji, the Roman alphabet used to transcribe Japanese into an alphabetic form you and I can read, ...
This dictionary is for the foreign students of Japanese. The words can be looked up in romaji. It contains about 11,000 words and all of them have accents. Examples are written in romaji, Japanese, and English. Many photos and pictures are included as well....