命名模板(named templates)也可以成为子模板,但他是有个名称的,可以结合include使用。 我们可以方便把一个模板文件中,公共或通用的部分,提取出来,放到一个新的文件中,并给其命名,这样就可以带其他地方使用 通过define定义模板 {{define"MY.NAME"}}# body of template here{{end}} include 记住标准用法 {{ inclu...
Add these validations in the template: spec: scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: {{ include "appsmith.fullname" . }} + {{- if gt .Values.keda.minReplicaCount .Values.keda.maxReplicaCount }} + {{- fail "minReplicaCount must be less than maxReplicaCount" }} +...
kubectl get secrets aioli-master-config-<RELEASE_NAME>\--template='{{ index .data "aioli-master.yaml" | base64decode }}'|grep defaultPassword If you use this command after updating the admin password, it will still only return the original default password. ...
它具有以下值:SemVer,GitCommit,和 GitTreeState。 Template:包含有关正在执行的当前模板的信息 Name:到当前模板的文件路径(例如 mychart/templates/mytemplate.yaml) BasePath:当前 chart 模板目录的路径(例如 mychart/templates) 上面这些值可用于任何顶级模板,要注意内置值始终以大写字母开头。这也符合Go的命名约定。
Helm utilizes Go templating for its template processing, which introduces several flow control structures, such asif,else, andrange, similar to those we use in traditional programming languages. 3.2.if-elseStatements if-elsestatements are conditional logic to check if a given condition is true and ...
/etc/aioli-public-key/ readOnly: true extraContainerVolumes: - name: aioli-jwt-secrets secret: secretName: aioli-jwt-signing extraInitContainers: - name: aioli-jwt-secret-public-key-create # NOTE: This cannot be a template because it is in a values file, so we cannot reference defaultImag...
Template(helmette.Release{ Name: "gotohelm", Namespace: "mynamespace", Service: "Helm", }, values) require.NoError(t, err) rendered, err := client.Template(context.Background(), ".", helm.TemplateOptions{ Name: "gotohelm", Namespace: "mynamespace", Values: values, }) require.No...
Configure the Ingress Resource Template If your ingress controller requires custom annotations and ingress class definition, follow the instructions inDefining a Custom Ingress Configuration. For GKE customers, the ingress controller included with GKE will provision a separate HTTP load balancer per applicat...
template命令的绝大多数参数和install命令相同,不再赘述。 helm dependency 管理Chart依赖。 helm dependency list 列出Chart申明的所有依赖的列表。 helm dependency list kong NAME VERSION REPOSITORY STATUS postgresql ~8.1.0 https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/ ok helm dependency list kong-1.1....