--name-template string specify template used to name the release --namespace string namespace to install the release into --notes show the computed NOTES.txt file as well --set stringArray set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2...
比如chart 的版本,名字,简介信息等等;ci目录用于存放各种环境的values.yaml文件,默认情况不指定values文件,对应生效的是values.yaml文件;img目录主要用于存放对应chart在仓库中对应的图标;README.md文件用于描述该chart的使用方式,部署手册等等信息;template目录主要用来存放该chart部署为release所需的所有资源...
Use value references as Helm Chart values, so that you can feed the helm template output to vals -f - for transforming the refs to secrets. $ helm template mysql-1.3.2.tgz --set mysqlPassword='ref+vault://secret/data/foo#/mykey' | vals ksdecode -o yaml -f - | tee manifests.yam...
HELM_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS HELMFILE_INIT_SCRIPT_FILE HELM_DATA_HOME Meaning, you can do things like: HELMFILE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS="--environment ${ARGOCD_APP_NAME} --selector cluster=${CLUSTER_ID} Any of the standardBuild Environmentvariables can be used as well as variables declared in the applicatio...
在模板中引入values.yaml里的配置,在模板文件中可以通过 .VAlues对象访问到,例如 : apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-helm-{{ .Values.image.repository }} spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx-helm template: metadata: labels: app: nginx-helm spec: containe...
$ helminstall-f myvalues.yaml myredis ./redis or $ helminstall--set name=prod myredis ./redis or $ helminstall--set-stringlong_int=1234567890myredis ./redis or $ helminstall--set-filemy_script=dothings.shmyredis ./redis You can specify the'--values'/'-f'flag multiple times. The ...
labels:# Add default labels for the volumeClaimTemplate of the StatefulSetenabled:false annotations:{}# 持久化存储动态存储配置,存储类名称一定要指定。 # 生产环境使用 “alicloud-disk-efficiency-retains” 存储类>当chart删除后数据保留,alicloud-disk-efficiency为chart删除数据一同删除 ...
使用helm show values可以查看 chart 中的可配置选项: root@shawn-virtual-machine:/srv/gitlab# helm show values bitnami/jenkins# Copyright VMware, Inc.# SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0## @section Global parameters## Global Docker image parameters## Please, note that this will override the imag...
I'm now getting a helm error due to checksums in the lock files. Also, can you please post this error either here or in the support ticket ? Rob Harrison @robwithhair · 4 years ago @tkuah I am using a custom chart which was derived from the template chart for auto DevOps. When...