HeightmapTerrainData cesium支持多种地形瓦片数据(GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData、QuantizedMeshTerrainData、HeightmapTerrainData),这里不详细叙述每一个,以下说的地形瓦片都是指HeightmapTerrainData。 1、瓦片切分规则# 地形瓦片(heightmap-1.0)格式的terrain瓦片集是根据TMS(瓦片地图服务)global-geodetic(全球大地坐标)...
HeightmapTerrainData cesium支持多种地形瓦片数据(GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData、QuantizedMeshTerrainData、HeightmapTerrainData),这里不详细叙述每一个,以下说的地形瓦片都是指HeightmapTerrainData。 1、瓦片切分规则# 地形瓦片(heightmap-1.0)格式的terrain瓦片集是根据TMS(瓦片地图服务)global-geodetic(全球大地坐标)...
Core/HeightmapTerrainData.js 626 根据以下信息确定给定的子图块是否可用 HeightmapTerrainData.childTileMask 。假定给定的子图块坐标成为该图块的四个子之一。如果非子图块坐标为给定的话,将返回东南子磁贴的可用性。 Name Type Description thisX Number 该(父)图块的图块X坐标。 thisY Number 该(父)...
The map is also available on the Google Earth Engine (GEE assets on project page). The global map can be explored interactively in this browser application: nlang.users.earthengine.app/view/global-canopy-height-2020. GEDI footprint data: sparse footprint-level RH98 estimates used as reference...
HeightmapTerrainData({ buffer : heightBuffer, width : 65, height : 65, childTileMask : childTileMask, waterMask : waterMask }); See: TerrainData QuantizedMeshTerrainData GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData Members credits : Array.<Credit> engine/Source/Core/HeightmapTerrainData.js 161 An array ...
GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider GoogleGeocoderService GoogleMaps GpxDataSource GregorianDate GridImageryProvider GridMaterialProperty GroundGeometryUpdater GroundPolylineGeometry GroundPolylinePrimitive GroundPrimitive HeadingPitchRange HeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollValues HeightmapEncoding...
Benefited from increasingly advanced earth-observation and high-performance computation techniques, we are able to investigate three-dimensional urban landscapes at a broad scale. However, like many other published efforts, the building height map across China produced by this work relies on data that ...
Article Google Scholar Zhang X, Chen Y, Le Y, Zhang D, Yan Q, Dong Y, Han W, Wang L (2022) Nearshore Bathymetry based on ICESat-2 and multispectral images: comparison between Sentinel-2, Landsat-8, and Testing Gaofen-2. IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens 15:2449–2462....
For Open Street Map / Google Maps: publicPointFWorldToTilePos(doublelon,doublelat,intzoom){PointFp=newPoint();p.X=(float)((lon+180.0)/360.0*(1<<zoom));p.Y=(float)((1.0-Math.Log(Math.Tan(lat*Math.PI/180.0)+1.0/Math.Cos(lat*Math.PI/180.0))/Math.PI)/2.0*(1<<zoom));returnp...
DEM to Heightmap to Unity terrain - posted in CF Archive (locked): I had a slow day at work and spent most of the time trying to find out how to create a heightmap that I can import into Unity, preferably from a DEM file. I found a great tutorial that l