Twitter Google Share on Facebook spot height (redirected fromspot heights) Encyclopedia n (Physical Geography) a mark on a map indicating the height of a hill, mountain, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
HeightmapTerrainData({ buffer : heightBuffer, width : 65, height : 65, childTileMask : childTileMask, waterMask : waterMask }); See: TerrainData QuantizedMeshTerrainData GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainData Members credits : Array.<Credit> engine/Source/Core/HeightmapTerrainData.js 161 An array ...
It's difficult to understand what your heightmap will look like from Terrain.Party but I discovered a useful technique. Use Google Maps 3D View to find the area you like: Then go to that location in Terrain.Party to generate the heightmap of the area: ...
参考双语例句:The main achievements of the mission were: (a) improved lunar global topography maps, detailed altitude and geological data which is provided to Google for free to make Google Moon 3-D; (b) a detailed gravity map of the far side of the Moon; and (c) the first optical ...
As cities continue to grow globally, characterizing the built environment is essential to understanding human populations, projecting energy usage, monitoring urban heat island impacts, preventing environmental degradation, and planning for urban develop
GoogleMaps GpxDataSource GregorianDate GridImageryProvider GridMaterialProperty GroundGeometryUpdater GroundPolylineGeometry GroundPolylinePrimitive GroundPrimitive HeadingPitchRange HeadingPitchRoll HeadingPitchRollValues HeightmapEncoding HeightmapTerrainData HeightReference HermitePolynomialApproximation HermiteSpline Hilbert...
The difference between annual canopy height maps is in good agreement with the wildfire extent mapped by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (40.1342° N, 123.5201° W). Full size image We further demonstrate that our model can be deployed annually to map canopy height...
now select the bitmap tab shown below, and then use your hieght map image: in this example i found this image on Google image search, and it works nicely for this tutorial --- The basics of height maps <--- umm how do i put this, make the shape of the land u want, then shade...
(选项)</span><div class="source-link rightLinks"><a href="">engine/Source/Core/HeightmapTerrainData.js 96</a></div></h4></div><div class="description">单个平铺的地形数据,其中地形数据...
growing studies try to map building heights at the regional or global scale based on direct and indirect methods. The direct method generates the global building height maps from the normalized digital surface model (nDSM), which is mainly derived from stereo remotely sensed images (e.g., GaoFen...