(2000a). The ontic and the ontological in Heidegger's philosophy of technology: response to Thomson, Inquiry, 43(4), 445-450.The ontic and the ontological in heidegger‘s philosophy of technology:response to Thomson by Andrew Feenberg. ht-tp://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/feenberg/symposia....
But the concept of Being as Ontological difference risks being mistaken for a Kantian unconditioned ground of possibility. Derrida argues that the Levinas reading mistakes the ontic for the ontological. Being is not a concept, the ontological difference is not the difference between the subjective an...
Central to this method is what I refer to as the ontic-ontological schema, and the article maps out the ways in which it operates in Loht's book: how it shapes his critical intervention into film studies and his claims about film ontology and spectatorship. My argument i...
143–44). In other words, primal Christian facticity is the ontic instance in which the ontological structure of temporality becomes manifest most clearly, an event in time where factical life discovers its peculiar temporality. Thus, the phenomenology of religious objects must become a phenomenology...
Second, at the same time as language is a requirement for knowledge to be shared, Husserl also sees a risk in how the “seduction of language” [2] (p. 362) allows for a “passive taking-over of ontic validity” [2] (p. 364). The establishment of stable meanings in language make ...