and procedures to the kinds of reflexivity operating in scientific conceptualization. According to the book's central thesis, a reflexive conceptualization enables one to take into consideartion the role which the ontic-ontological difference plays in the constitution of scientific objects. The book ...
a difference between the ontic level of politics and its foundations on ontological level. I introduce Mouffe's notion of agonism as an exemplary normative theory of political difference. Next to it I juxtapose Jacques Ranci猫re's approach which attempts to undermine the distinctions on which ...
The phenomenon of the body is the most difficult problem. Heidegger,Heraclitus.1 The relation between Hegel and Freud is complex enough, but one might throw Heidegger into the fray. For the obsessional is “circumspect” and “fearful,” in Heidegger’s sense of 468Charles Shepherdsonthese words...
Consequently, reflexive scientific inquiry gets engaged not only with a strategy for "ontic objectification", but with the treatment of ontological issues as well. Ginev calls the balance between the procedures of objectification and reflexivity about existential-ontological presuppositions-a balance that ...