However, some research conducted on this topic uses two products from two completely different categories (inter-product category research) rather than two products from the same category but different in terms of hedonic and utilitarian benefits (intra-product category research). This practice, ...
Using fMRI, we found that the explicit value of hedonic and utilitarian goods was commonly processed in the ventral striatum. In contrast, no significant results were obtained in common neural processing of task-irrelevant hedonic and utilitarian value. Additionally, we did not find any evidence ...
内容提示: UTILITARIAN OR HEDONIC? A CROSS CULTURAL STUDY IN ONLINE SHOPPING Hilal Özen, Istanbul University, Turkey Nil Kodaz, Istanbul University, Turkey ABSTRACT With the inconvertible effect of globalization, a growing number of websites today sell their products to more than one country. The...
The results of two studies stress the centrality of social media content quality as the strongest influencer of consumers’ behavioral intentions for both hedonic and utilitarian products (i.e., intention to visit a tourism destination and to buy personal technology). The magnitude of the impact ...
ExtantInternetshoppingliteratureidentiespotentialsources,andinhibitors,ofutilitarianandhedonicvalue forconsumers.However,Internetshoppingiso entimestreatedasarelativelyhomogenousactivityorthe insightsareaccompaniedbyinexactqualicationssuchas'insomesituations'or'forsometypesofproducts'. ...
,Carr,and,Joann,Peck,and,Stephen,Carson 摘要: Motivations to engage in retail shopping include both utilitarian and hedonic dimensions. Business to consumer e-commerce conducted via the mechanism of web-shopping provides an expanded opportunity for companies to create a cognitively and esthetically ...
With an increase in income level, people take a lot of interests in marine leisure and tourism. However, not much has been known about marine tourists' behaviors yet. This study was to develop measurement indicators of hedonic and utilitarian behaviors of marine tourists based on Voss, Spangenber...
the utilitarian view, consumers are concerned with purchasing products in an efficient and timely manner to achieve their goals with a minimum of irritation. In contrast, as one consumer noted, “I enjoy looking around and imagining what one day, I would actually have money to buy. Shopping...
It has been suggested theoretically that consumer attitudes have distinct hedonic and utilitarian components, and that product categories differ in the extent to which their overall attitudes are derived from these two components. This paper reports three studies that validate measurement scales for these...
aManagement of Small and Medium Sized 管理小号与中号[translate] aThe influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on user engagement: The case of online shopping experiences 快乐和功利主义的刺激的影响对用户订婚: 网上购物经验事例[translate]