中文名称:HEC-151 Cell:人子宫内膜癌细胞系 英文名称:HEC-151 Cell 上海冠导生物工程有限公司 联系电话: 18818239863 18818239863 产品介绍: 中文名称:HEC-151 Cell|人子宫内膜癌细胞 英文名称:HEC-151 Cell 包装信息:1000000g/;2000000g/ 备注:HEC-151 Cell|人子宫内膜癌细胞 HEC-151 Cell|人子宫内膜癌细胞 ...
HEC-151人子宫内膜癌贴壁细胞系 细胞来源说明:细胞主要来源ATCC、DSMZ、ECACC、RIKEN、INCell、promocell、ScienCell、ECACC、JCRB、KCLB、Asterand、ICLC以及少数国外著名大学建系 细胞生长特性:贴壁或悬浮,详见细胞说明书部分 751-NA-15细胞;细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3...
people with sickle cell disease (FDA,2023). These interventions affect an individual’s somatic cells, but they do not change the person’s genome and thus would not be passed on to future offspring. Editing human embryos, on the other hand, involves changes in the genome that would be pas...
Cell face profiles are essentially detailed cross-sections at each face of the cell that display the geometry that governs flow conveyance between individual cells. Therefore, the amount and spacing of cells and cell face profiles must be sufficient to accurately represent the profile of the terrain...
Cell face profiles are essentially detailed cross-sections at each face of the cell that display the geometry that governs flow conveyance between individual cells. Therefore, the amount and spacing of cells and cell face profiles must be sufficient to accurately represent the profile of the terrain...
151:"\u2014",152:"\u02dc",153:"\u2122",154:"\u0161",155:"\u203a",156:"\u0153",158:"\u017e",159:"\u0178"};ho={'"':""","'":"'","<":"<",">":">","&":"&","`":"`"},vo={"<":"<",">":">","&":"&",""":'"',"'":"'"};var Jo=function(...
中文名称:HEC-151 Cells|人子宫内膜癌贴壁细胞 英文名称:HEC-151 Cells 保存条件: 低温避光 纯度规格: 1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶 产品类别: 实验试剂 "HEC-151 Cells|人子宫内膜癌贴壁细胞 28804-46-8 细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍 C127传代细胞实验平台;细胞生长特性:贴壁或悬浮,详见细胞说明书部分;细胞形态...
HEC-151 CELL LINE人子宫内膜癌细胞系 中文别名: HEC-151 CELL LINE人子宫内膜癌细胞系 CBNumber: CB26198521 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商0 HEC-151 CELL LINE人子宫内膜癌细胞系化学性质 安全信息 HEC-151 CELL LINE人子宫内膜癌细胞系性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
(HEC-151 cell line) Basic informationSupplier Basic informationMore Product Name:HEC-151 cell line Synonyms:HEC-151 cell line CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality Suppliers>China suppliers EnquiryRecommend You Select Member Companies...
公司自成立以来便一直秉承“精品、专业、诚信、便捷"的宗旨和理念,不断的开拓进取,务实创新,收录与典藏了近千种各类细胞株/系,公司细胞主要来源ATCC,ECACC,ScienCell, DSMZ, RIKEN,JCRB 等,以及少数国内外科研机构建系。其中自主研发建系各类示踪细胞、耐药株细胞、基因敲除细胞等百余种,客户遍及全国各地的医院、...