Heavy metal pollution is hazardous for the environment and human health. However, there are few studies of heavy metal pollution caused by historic metallurgical activity. The Laoniupo site in the Bahe River valley, Guanzhong Basin, China, was an important settlement of the Shang Culture (1600`...
云南个旧锡矿区大屯盆地土壤重金属污染与生态风险评价 Heavy metal pollution and ecological risk assessment of Datun basin in the Gejiu tin mining area, Yunnan Province 热度: 页数:7 Distribution of Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Soil Samples in China A Graphical Review.分布在表层土壤样品中重金属...
Keywords Environmental toxicology Heavy metal pollution Heavy metalloids Heavy metals Heavy metals in soils Search within this book Search Table of contents (27 chapters)Front Matter Pages i-xviii Download chapter PDF Basic Principles Front Matter Pages 1-1 Download chapter PDF ...
Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements that have a high atomic weight and a density at least five times greater than that of water. Their multiple industrial, domestic, agricultural, medical, and technological applications have led to their wide d
a review of heavy metal pollution levels and health risk assessment of urban soils in chinese cities.[2017][environ sci pollut res int][10.1007s113 热度: Survey of heavy metal pollution and assessment of agricultural soil in Yangzhong district, China ...
Phosphate rock is a source of heavy metal pollution of air, soil, water, food chain etc, therefore requires removal of heavy metals (HMs) from the rock prior to its use. 展开 关键词: Phosphate rock Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) Pollutants Heavy metals Pakistan ...
The central lagoon area shows low pollution and a balanced influence of all the sediment components in the metal complexing processes, mostly due to the manganese and iron matrices. The inner canals are very polluted with heavy metals strongly bonded to H2S that form highly insoluble compounds, ...
Frequent and persistent heavy metal pollution has profound effects on the composition and activity of microbial communities. Heavy metals select for metal resistance but can also co-select for resistance to antibiotics, which is a global health concern. We here document metal concentration, metal resis...
Heavy metal pollution—an annotated bibliography: 1976–1980: (1983) by P. J. Jarvis. Geo Books Ltd, Norwich, England (420 pp., paper, UK £25).doi:10.1016/0160-4120(85)90234-XELSEVIEREnvironment International
In the past 30 years, China's economy has experienced rapid development, which led to a vast increase in energy consumption and serious environmental pollution. Among the different types of pollution, heavy metal pollution has become one of the major environmental issues in China. A number of st...