Heavy metals remain in the soil for a long time and have a residence time ranging from a few to several hundred years (Kabata-Pendias, 1995). Rattan et al. (1999) reported that environmental pollution due to heavy metals could broadly be grouped as (i) deficiency of micronutrient cations ...
Heavy metals in the soil pose great potential threats to the ecological environment and human survival. Heavy metal pollution in soil has been a worldwide problem in theory and practice. Soil heavy metal pollution literatures were researched and analyzed from pollution situation, remediation technology ...
assessmentofheavymetalpollutioninsoilandtheir土壤重金属污染评价及其研究 系统标签: pollutionsoilmetalheavy重金属okigwe M.A.Nwachukwuetal.nwachukwum1@mail.montclair.eduAssessmentofheavymetalpollutioninsoilandtheirimplicationswithinandaroundmechanicvillages1*M.A.Nwachukwu;1H.Feng;2J.Alinnor1DepartmentofEarthandEnvir...
40论文41土壤重金属污染的修复 The Remediation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil 现代农业科技 2011年第24期资源与环境科学土壤重金属污染的修复李选统卢维盛李谦李拥军。郑飞腾 (’广东省中山市小榄镇农业服务中心,广东中山528415;华南农业大学资源环境学院;中山市农产品质量监督检验所) 摘要重金属污染是当今土壤污染...
Soil pollutionheavy metalsremediationIranHeavy metals and metalloids are an increasing environmental problem worldwide. Some industrial activities and agricultural practices increase their level in the substrate and the possible introduction of these elements in the food chain is an increasing human health ...
Heavy metalPollution variationGeoaccumulation indexPollution load indexHeavy metal pollution in urban soil has become a serious environmental issue in China since the last three decades. Attention has been given to the investigation of soil contamination; however, there......
Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil and Water in Some Selected Towns in Dunkwa-on-Offin District in the Central Region of Ghana as a Result of Small Scale Gold M... Heavy metal pollution in soil and water in some selected towns in Dunkwa-on-Offin district in the Central region of Ghana as...
Soil heavy metal pollution refers to the phenomenon that the content of heavy metal elements in soil is obviously higher than its natural background value, and causes ecological damage and environmental quality deterioration. One specific measure: strengthen prevention and control of soil pollution at ...
关键词土壤重金属形态分析生物有效性 DiscussiononSpeciationAnalysisandBioavailabilityofHeavyMetalPollutioninSoil JIANGLibingZHANGJianiang (CollegeofEnwironmentalScienceandEngineering,SouthestJiaotongUniwersityChengdu610031) AbstractSpeciationana ysisonheavymeta inpo utionsoi isthekeytosoi remediation.Discussionsareconduc...
pollution by the heavy metal contamination from the mineral storage yards around Tianjin Port Harbor,it is necessary to reduce and restrict the import of minerals containing high concentration of Cd and As.At the same time,it is also necessary to enhance the soil survey of the mineral storage ...