HEAVY METAL POLLUTION IN SOIL—PLANT SYSTEMS 重金属污染土壤-植物系统书评环境科学砷镉铜铬汞铅摘要:VIPPEDOSPHERE(土壤圈(英文版))ChenHuaiman无
heavy metal behavior in rihzosphere of soil,heavy metal absorption and detoxifcation mechanism in plant,and interaction between plant and microorganism in heavy metal pollution soil,etc.The prospect of the theoretical investigation of heavy metals pollution chemistry in soil-plant system is also ...
coordinationandotheradvantages,whichhasbeenwidelyusedtocontroltheheavymetalpollutionin agriculturalfields.Thisarticlefocusesonanoverviewresearchofphytoremediationinsoilcontaminated byheavymetals,andefectsoffertilizeronsoilbioavailabilityofheavymetals,whileagricultural fertilizersmeasureswereadoptedtostrengthentheremediationefect,th...
The health risks arising from heavy metal pollution (HMP) in agricultural soils have attracted global attention, and research on the accumulation of heavy metals in soil-plant systems is the basis for human health risk assessments. This review studied the accumulation of seven typical heavy metals—...
Therefore, the soils near leather industries have great economic importance and a matter of concern in terms of chemical pollution, namely heavy metal pollution and needs to be assessed in order to monitor and mitigate the adverse effect of the pollution. Leather industries are one of the most ...
Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Different Parts of Wheat Plant from the Yangtze River Delta, China With the rapid economic development and increased human activities, the soil heavy metal pollution has become a serious environmental problem in the world... XR Wang,SL Zhou,SH Wu - 《International...
soil:heavymetalpollution;remediation 土壤是人类生态环境的重要组成部分,是人类赖以生 存、生产、生活的主要自然资源之一。但是近几十年来,随着 人类对自然资源的过度开发和利用,农用化学物质种类、数 量逐年增加,工业、城市污染逐渐加剧,导致土壤重金属污
On the basis, the heavy metal pollution level and associated risk were evaluated. The objectives were as follows: (1) To analyze the heavy metal accumulation in different cities. (2) To evaluate potential ecological risk of heavy metal in soil on the city level. (3) To determine the ...
Currently heavy metals pollution of the tea has been more and more serious,exerting direct or indirect effects on the health.Heavy metal of the tea mainly comes from the soil.Based on the comprehensive literature review,this paper presented the recent research of heavy metals in the system of ...
Soil contamination by heavy metals constitutes an important environmental problem, whereas field applicability of existing remediation technologies has encountered numerous obstacles, such as long operation time, high chemical cost, large energy consumption, secondary pollution, and soil degradation. Here we ...