The heaviest weight lifted by neck is 453.59 kg (1,000 lb) and was achieved by Eric Todd (USA) in Turney, Missouri, USA, on 19 October 2013. A year prior to his attempt, Eric competed in an event officiated by the then holder of this record title, Frank Ciavattone. Frank encouraged...
Number 8 is Lamar Grant, who lifted 305 kgs (672 pounds) on a standard bar in 1988. While this initially seems like less of an accomplishment than the other entries on the list, it's worth noting that at a bodyweight of just 132 pounds, Grant was the first person in the world to ...
He was the 2017 America’s Strongest Man champion and a World’s Strongest Man finalist. Pritchett also placed 8th at the recent Arnold Strongman Classic just a few weeks ago. 9. Lamar Gant While this performance doesn’t technically fit within the countdown based on overall weight lifted. L...
Byline: Andrew LevyDOCTORS fighting to save the life of Britain's heaviest man were last night considering calling in an RAF Chinook to move him 150 miles to a specialist centre that will treat him.Paul Mason, who weighs 70 stone, needs the help of weight-loss doctors and possible surgery...