The heaviest weight lifted by neck is 453.59 kg (1,000 lb) and was achieved by Eric Todd (USA) in Turney, Missouri, USA, on 19 October 2013. A year prior to his attempt, Eric competed in an event officiated by the then holder of this record title, Frank Ciavattone. Frank encouraged...
Hafthor Bjornsson(501kg) andEddie Hall(500kg) are the only two men recorded to have ever lifted 500kg. Has anyone beat Eddie hall's 500kg deadlift? Hafthor Bjornssondeadlifted 501kg andsets the all-time world recordon May 2nd, 2020. What is the most weight lifted by a human? The most...
Dubai, United Arab Emirates— The United Arab Emirates struggled Thursday torecover from the heaviest recorded rainfallever to hit the desert nation, as its main airport worked to restore normal operations even as floodwater still covered portions of major highways and roads. Dubai International Airpo...